- Hough transform track initiation algorithm for distributed heterogeneous sensor network 分布式异类传感器网Hough变换航迹起始算法
- Track initiation algorithm for distributed heterogeneous sensor network under asynchronous sampling condition 分布式异类传感器网异步采样下的航迹起始算法
- heterogeneous sensor networks 异构传感器网络
- heterogeneous sensor network 能量异构
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. 美国计算机学会传感网络汇刊。
- It utilizes extended Kalman filtering to carry out heterogeneous sensor fusion. 采用扩展卡尔曼滤波实现异质传感器融合。
- So an energy and distance efficient clustering algorithm based on virtual area partition was proposed in this paper for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. 提出了一种基于虚拟区域划分的适用于异构无线传感器网络的能量和距离有效分簇算法。
- Continuously Evaluating Approximate Similarity Search over Sensor Networks. 无线传感器网络环境下时-空查询处理方法.
- Power-Efficient Node Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. 无线传感器网络中基于模式序列分类的分布式数据流过滤方法.
- This paper introduced a security scheme for wireless sensor networks. 摘要提出了一种无线传感器网络安全方案。
- These results are significant to the design and application of sensor networks. 这些结果对传感器网络的设计与应用具有重要意义。
- heterogeneous wireless sensor networks 异构无线传感器网络
- heterogeneous wireless sensor network 异构传感器网络
- Wireless sensor networks(WSN) are novel technologies,and can be applied to both abominable and military environments. 无线传感器网络是一种全新的技术,能够广泛应用于恶劣环境和军事领域中。
- Dragos Niculescu.Positioning in Ad Hoc Sensor Networks[C]//IEEE Network,July/August 2004. 杨冕;秦前清.;对传感器网络定位技术现状的研究[J]
- To improve the energy efficiency is one key problem of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) research. 摘要提高能量效率是无线传感器网络研究的关键技术之一。
- A novel distributed topology generation algorithm(ETG) is proposed for 3D underwater surveillance sensor networks. 针对三维水下监视应用,提出一种新颖的分布式传感器网络拓扑生成算法(ETG)。
- Presented a key predistribution scheme based on hierarchical grid which is suitable for wireless sensor networks. 基于分层网格提出了一种新的适用于无线传感器网络的密钥预分配方案。
- Nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN) use batteries as their energy supply, which restrains their energy consumption. 摘要由于无线传感器网络节点使用干电池和纽扣电池供电的特点,限制了网络节点能量的使用。
- Our scheme can deal with both group key and pairwise key, which are the same important for wireless sensor networks. 我们的这个机制同时考虑到了群体金钥以及成对金钥。