- XML Web services make possible the exchange of data in the form of XML messages between heterogeneous systems. XML Web services实现了在异类系统之间以XML消息的形式进行数据交换。
- BPEL also addresses the need for businesses to correlate data between their heterogeneous systems. BPEL也处理这种商业需求在异构系统间的关联数据。
- There are many obstructs on the sharing of resource in the Integrating distributed heterogeneous systems. 网格医疗信息系统的核心是医疗资源的共享和服务系统的建立。
- In part to address these challenges, Candle is developing a Web services-based approach to managing across groups of heterogeneous systems. Candle正在开发一种基于Web服务的方法,用来实施跨越异质系统团体的管理,其中的部分动机也是为了解决这些挑战。
- With Web services, heterogeneous system islands can be opended up for collaboration easier than ever before. 采用Web服务,孤立的异类系统之间的协作就必以前容易得多。
- Web services are becoming a main steam technology for implementing services and providing interoperability between heterogeneous systems. Web服务正在逐步成为服务和提供异类系统之间的相互操作性的主流技术。
- When files are moved between heterogeneous systems, the name and the extension are often the only metadata that move with them. 在不同的系统之间转移文件时,文件名和扩展名常常是随着一起移动的唯一元数据。
- To solve the problem of cross-platform and heterogeneous systems integration, NCI use systems development platform of Java and CORBA. 软件体系结构中实现客户端、会话端以及服务端的三者分离,能最大限度地平衡系统负载。解决了跨平台和异构系统的集成问题。
- XML is not tied to a particular programming language or operating system, thus it can be used as a protocol for information exchange between heterogeneous systems. XML并不局限于某种特定的编程语言或操作系统,因而,它可以被用作异构系统间的信息交换协议。
- The software development toolkit with the computing model is implemented with JAVA programming language so that the applications can be realized in heterogeneous systems. 用JAVA语言实现了与分布式计算模式相应的开发包供分布式应用程式开发使用。
- The research on ozonization catalyzed by transitional metal oxides in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems in water treatment in recent years is reviewed. 介绍了近年来均相和异相催化臭氧化去除水中有机物的研究。
- Grid services, which are implemented based on a set of open standards, facilitate the flow of information between heterogeneous system infrastructure components. 网格服务是根据一组开放标准实现的,它可以促进信息在异构系统基础设施组件之间的流动。
- ACPLT/KS provides easy access in heterogeneous system environments not only to process data and parameters, but also to archived time series and message logs. ACPLT/KS很容易访问不同的系统环境,它不但能处理数据和参数,也能够将时间序列和信息日志存档。
- Consequently, polymer blending usually leads to a heterogeneous system with a multiphase morphology, such as the dispersed droplet/matrix type and co-continuous morphology etc. 聚合物共混材料只有在特定的临界组分比范围内才能形成双连续相。
- The next challenge for enterprises is to integrate heterogeneous systems and applications into a wider-ranging logical grid, one that can bring new performance highs to critical enterprise applications. 对于企业来说,下一个挑战是将异质的系统和应用程序集成到一个范围更加广泛的逻辑网格上,从而为关键的企业应用程序带来更高的性能。
- OGSA is a distributed interaction and computing architecture based on the grid service, ensuring interoperability on heterogeneous systems so different types of systems can communicate and share information. OGSA是一种基于网格服务的分布式交互和计算体系结构,用来确保异构系统间的互操作性,这样不同类型的系统就可以进行通信、共享信息。
- As XML is independent of operating systems and programming languages, we use it to describe the structure of PDU and so heterogeneous systems can share one copy of XML descriptions. 1文件编译器可以被省去,以降低开发成本。 使用XML来描述协议中PDU的结构,XML与平台和语言无关,因此使用不同平台、不同编程语言的各个通信端可以共享一份XML描述。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The increasing of IT Systems and extension of application fields leads to the emergence of heterogeneous systems, which highlights the critical importance of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). 随着企业实施的IT支持系统不断增多、范围逐渐扩大,出现了大量的异构系统,“信息孤岛”问题日益突出,企业应用集成EAI(Enterprise ApplicationIntegration)便成为企业必须面对和加以解决的问题。
- In this paper,ESR,spin trapping and spin counteraction are used to study the photosensitization of hypocrellin A(HA) and cercosporin(CP) in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems separately. 本文在均相有机体系和非均相胶束体系中用ESR、自旋捕捉、消自旋等技术研究了竹红菌甲素(HA)和尾孢素(CP)的光敏特征;