- heterosynthesis interphase 异体合成间期
- The intraparticle and interphase criteria are general. 颗粒内部和相间的准则是通用的。
- During interphase the chromosomes are too tenuous to be stained. 在间期中,染色体非常纤细,以致不能被染色。
- The controller provides friend1y human--machine mutual interphase for users. 本控制器也为用户提供了友好的人机交互界面。
- Fat droplets present a sharply defined interphase with the surrounding cyto-plasm. 脂肪滴与周围细胞质之间呈一个明显的中间相。
- Tightly coiled chromosomal material that stains deeply during interphase and is believed to be genetically inactive. 异染色质紧紧盘绕在一起的染色体物质,在分裂期间染色,据信在基因中并不活跃
- In the interphase (between nuclear divisions) the chromosomes are uncoiled and cannot be distinguished. 在分裂期间(细胞分裂期间)染色体是散开的且不显著的。
- During the interphase DNA synthesis takes place in preparation for the process of replication of chromosomes. 在分裂期间,DNA综合体会参与到染色体复制。
- Lutz M P, Zimmerman R W.Effect of the interphase zone on the bulk modulus of a particulate composite. 袁应龙;卢子兴.;含涂层空心球复合泡沫塑料的模量预测及讨论
- Repeat moving chessmen until all chessmen are interphase with black chessman and white chessman. 重复移动棋子,直到所有棋子是黑色相间的棋子和白棋子。
- The niche covered by this series is the interphase between ethnomedicine and modern 'Materia medica'. 它所覆盖的话题是民族药物与现代药物之间的界面。
- Emphasis was placed on discussing the effects of different compatibilizers on the interphase behavior. 而对接枝型和无规增容剂对界面行为的影响研究较少,有待发展。
- The oocytes produce endogenous yolk by autosynthesis on the one hand,and obtain exogenous yolk of heterosynthesis directly or indirectly on the other. 肝胰腺可能会产生卵黄原,这些卵黄原随即进入血淋巴内,再直接或间接被蟹卵接纳。
- Monitoring interphase, manners and methods were discussed in terms of techniques on viability monitoring. 从监测间期,监测方式和监测方法3个方面详细地阐述了牧草种质库种子生活力监测技术;
- Interphase is divisible into various stages each characterized by a differing physiological activity. 根据细胞生理活性差异可以把间期分成不同的阶段。
- It includes interphase and mitosis phase, While interphase includes G1 stage、 S stage and G2 stage. 细胞周期分为间期和分裂期,间期又分为G1 期、S 期、G2 期。
- Sensitized cross - linking also improves the compatibility, interphase adhesion and mechanical properties of PP/EVA. 敏化交联还改善了PP/EVA共混体系的相容性,增强了相间粘附,提高了其力学性能。
- In interphase nuclei,many spot-like hybridization signals were detected,distributing mainly along nucleus side. 在有丝分裂间期的细胞核中,也检测到大量杂交信号分布于核的周边。
- By use of EMTP an electromagnetic model for the interphase power co ntroller(IPC)is built. 利用电磁暂态程序(EMTP),建立了相间功率控制器(IPC)的电磁暂态模型,并对IPC在短路故障。
- Moreover,enhancement effects of high temperature plasma on interphase heat exchange have been taken into account. 并且考虑了高温离子体环境对相间换热的强化效应。