- Hi Fi Aaron NevilleWarm Your Heart 温暖你心
- 6 head, HI FI stereo ,G-code ,NICAM ,multisystem all NTSC and PAL, 少用偶然录下明珠台;保证100%25操作正常.;*但摇控电池盖\\失了*其他冇问题
- The Technique of Super Class A Hi Fi Amplifier with the Front Electron Tube Set Behind the Transistor 前胆后石超甲类高保真功放研制
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion. 她对会面的描述是这次团聚的真实再现。
- Hi, welcome back to "Let's Talk". 大家好,欢迎再次收看“你说我说”栏目。
- A reproduction produced by gravure. 凹版印刷品凹版印刷生产的复制品
- Hi, Maxine I need your advice. Got a minute? 嗨,麦卡西。我想听一下你的建议。有时间吗?
- This is a book about human reproduction. 这是一本关于人的繁育的书。
- hi fi hi-fis 具有高保真度
- Charles started reading when hi was knee-high to a grasshopper. 查尔斯在很小的时候就开始读书了。
- The quality of reproduction isn't very good on this recording. 这次录音复制的质量不怎么好。
- hi fi setn. 高传真立体组合
- When you listen to my hi - fi set,it's like sitting in concert hall! 当你听我的高保真度录音机时,那就跟坐在音乐厅里一样!
- This is not the original; it's only a cheap reproduction. 这不是原作,它只不过是廉价的复制品。
- Hi, guy, I have got a lot of oranges, take as many as you like. 喂,哥儿们,我弄到了许多桔子,随便拿吧。
- He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction. 他能区别真正的古董与复制品。
- I bought a reproduction of a famous painting for my room. 我买了一幅名画的复制品来装饰房间。
- Fi shes and reptiles are coldblooded animals. 鱼和两栖动物都是冷血动物。
- We had to retool for enlarging reproduction. 为了扩大再生产,我们必须更换机械设备。