- High Production Carding Machine 高产梳棉机
- According to production practice, rational choice of raw cotton, improving blowing process and the carding quality of carding machine can help to reduce the nep of card sliver. 本文分析了生条棉结形成的原因,根据生产实践,通过合理选择原棉、改进清花工艺和提高梳棉机的梳理质量,达到减少生条棉结的目的。
- Henceforth four big brand centralism issue's product, the card machine occupied the major part share. 从此次四大品牌集中发布的产品来看,卡片机占据了绝大部分份额。
- The carding effects of card machine were evaluated with the web evenness. 从棉网均匀度的角度评定梳棉机梳理质量的优劣。
- It is paid attention to eliminate neps and short fibre before main carding region to high production card. 高产梳棉机应注意在主梳理区之前增强棉结和短绒的排除。
- In carding machine, feed-shoes are one of the important parts which are easy to wearing. 给棉板是梳棉机中的关键易损部件之一,而锈蚀和耐磨性差是给棉板失效的主要原因。
- The fiber carding machine equipped with metal detector and overload devices, can prolong the machine's life-span. 松棉机自带金属报警及过载保护装置,延长了机器寿命。
- As a result of the experiments, the working angles of gill pin have certain influence on droppings rate of gill pin licker-in carding machine. 梳针表面光滑及摩擦因数小是梳针式刺辊落棉率较高的根本原因。
- Optimizing test of technology parameters was done in DK903 carding machine by using NCT,and the numbers of carding trashes were controlled. 在DK903型梳棉机上利用NCT进行了工艺参数优化试验,有效控制了梳棉结杂数量。
- The production line in the Peerage of the traditional business card printing and membership card machine's existence serves as a digital business card printing and membership card production. 英格生产线上传统制卡和会员卡制作设备的存在是服务于数码制卡和会员卡制作生产的。
- It is used to cross and fold fabric web output by carding machine and make it into multi-layer fabric with necessary width and weight for next process to use. 本机用于将梳理机输出的纤维网进行交叉折叠,使之成为具有所需幅度和单位克重的多层纤网,以供下道工序使用。
- Card series, rapier-series, Water Jet Loom series, woodworking machinery series, carding machine. 梳棉机系列,剑杆机系列,喷水织机系列,木工机械系列,梳毛机系列。
- Floss spinning, wool spinning and chemical fiber equipment such as : combine, drawing frame, floss comber, fiter, carding machine, spinneret, measure pump, etc. 棉纺类有清梳联合机、并条机、棉精梳机及滤尘设备;毛纺类有梳理机、制条机、精纺成套设备;化纤类有喷丝头、计量泵、混条、制条等设备。
- Issues of carding cloth,dust and noil absorption system,blow carding auto leveler,carding process between cylinder and flats of a carding machine are discussed. 文章就梳棉机针布、吸尘吸落棉系统、清梳联自调匀整器、梳棉机锡林与盖板的分流过程等方面问题进行了全面分析探讨。
- In carding machine, feed-shoes are one of the important parts which are easy to wearing.The rust and bad wear resistence is the main cause of feed-shoes failure. 给棉板是梳棉机中的关键易损部件之一,而锈蚀和耐磨性差是给棉板失效的主要原因。
- Licker-in speed on 80th 20 century was compared with that of nowdays.It shows that licker-in speed is reduced with the enhancing of carding machine output. 通过对比20世纪80年代刺辊速度和近几年刺辊速度发现,随着梳棉机产量的提高,梳棉机刺辊速度是下降的。
- The preconditions of improving carding quality of carding machine are the application of metallic clothing and the perpetual development of clothing technology. 论述了金属针布的应用和针布技术的不断发展是提高梳棉机梳理质量和产量的前提。
- By analysis of carding element on yarn quality and the specifications of carding machines related to the production, a conclusion is made as to the development of MCC and the effect in practice. 通过分析梳理元件对成纱质量的影响,以及在梳理过程中梳理元件参数与生产的关系,对金属针布在实际生产中的作用及其发展提出自己的意见。
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- Hi, Maxine I need your advice. Got a minute? 嗨,麦卡西。我想听一下你的建议。有时间吗?