- Select Auto Hide All on the Window menu. 选择“窗口”菜单上的“全部自动隐藏”。
- But our anxiety will hide all toys. 但我们的忧虑将掩藏所有玩具。
- Hide all subtasks, so that only the summary tasks are shown. 隐藏所有子任务,只显示摘要任务。
- Property to show or hide all the comments on a worksheet. 属性,可以显示或隐藏工作表的所有注释。
- Hide all the time within some corner of alleyway inside. 岸有别人没有的蓝眸。很纯净的还蓝色。
- Hide all external dependencies (which usually appear dimmed in the task list). 隐藏所有外部相关性(通常在任务列表中以淡色显示)。
- Controls in the zone, and to hide all the controls except for the zone itself. 控件的所有更改,并隐藏除区域本身以外的所有控件。
- I try to hide all these feelings for you , I keep them battled inside . 我努力隐藏是如此对你思念,就跟看不到海面下不平静一样。
- They hid all their jewellery in a big trunk. 他们把所有的珠宝都藏在1个大箱子。
- The menu bar in my computer is hidden all the time. 我电脑里的菜单栏一直处于隐藏状态。
- She hid all her goodies from me. 她背着我把她所有她吃的东西都藏了起来。
- Larry hid all his old soldiers under the bed. 拉里把空啤酒瓶全都藏在床底下。
- To display or hide all of the data for a field, select or clear the (All) check box. 若要显示或隐藏某个字段的所有数据,请选中或清除“(全部)”复选框。
- Why are the journalists trying so hard to hide all those RACIST ATTACKS under the economic banner? 为什么记者们把种族主义的暴行掩盖在经济面纱之下?
- Element to hide all of its rows and cells, and then expand it when you want to edit it. 元素隐藏它的所有行和单元格,在需要编辑它时再展开它。
- To temporarily hide all open windows and show the desktop; click the button again to show all windows again. 可暂时隐藏所有打开的窗口并显示桌面;再次单击该按钮将再次显示所有窗口。
- During design time, a page developer might decide to hide all non-visual controls. 在设计时,页开发人员可能会决定隐藏所有非可视控件。
- For the JiBX binding compiler, I found it easiest to just hide all the BCEL details within several wrapper classes. 对于JiBX绑定编译器,我发现最容易的方式就是把所有BCEL的细节隐藏在几个包装器类中。
- You can choose to hide all tool windows and view only document windows by enabling Full Screen mode. 通过启用全屏显示模式,可以选择隐藏所有工具窗口,而只查看文档窗口。
- If the whole country would sink, and hide all this injustice and misery from the light, I would willingly sink with it. 如果这个国家整个塌陷到那里去,把这一切悲惨而不义的现象一古脑都埋葬的话,我宁愿跟它一起毁灭。