- hierarchy association rules 层次关联规则
- Describes the Microsoft Association Rules Viewer. 介绍Microsoft关联规则查看器。
- Improved from FP-Growth algorithm,MAGO-FP,a highly efficient data mining technique for discovering the multilevel association rules from biological data based on the concept hierarchy of Gene Ontology(GO)has been proposed. 提出的MAGO-FP算法,使用Gene Ontology(GO)的概念分层结构,通过对FP-Growth算法的扩展,具有一定的性能优势。
- E-commerce sites can clearly benefit from strong association rules. 电子商务站点可以很明显的从强大的关联规则中的受益。
- Finally, we parse the PMML 2.0 -- DTD of Association Rules Model. 论文的最后以关联分析为例,对PMML DTD2.;0中的关联分析模块进行了解析。
- Discovering association rules is an important data mining problem. 关联规则的发现是数据开采的一个重要方面 .
- A set of fuzzy association rules mined from the networ... 最后,文中利用遗传算法优化模糊成员函数来选择其参数。
- Are measures of the strength of an association rule. 是关联规则强度的度量。
- Studied algorithm of Association rule in Data Mining. 研究了数据采掘技术中的关联规则算法。
- Association rule mining is an important task of data mining. 关联规则是数据开采的重要研究内容 .
- Mining association rules is an important topic in the data mining research. 关联规则采掘是数据采掘中重要的研究课题。
- Minging association rules have many wide applications in some fields. 关联规则的挖掘已被广泛应用在实际生活中。
- Mining association rules require two pieces of data, the transaction and what was bought in that transaction. 挖掘关联规则需要两方面的数据,事务及该事务中所包含的信息。
- Although the values are numeric, association rules mining requires the values to be categorical. 虽然都是整型值,关联规则挖掘要求值是无条件的。
- Mining association rules in a transaction database is a problem with great value. 交易数据库中的关联规则挖掘是一个很有价值的问题。
- In the process of decompose kiln in cement production line, association rules are mined between controlled objects. 以水泥生产线中分解炉控制为例,采用现场实时采集的数据集,挖掘出了相关控制对象之间的关联关系。
- Mining the association rules is an important aspect of the study of data mining. 关联规则的采掘是数据采掘研究的一个重要方面 .
- Discovering frequent itemsets is a key problem in data mining association rules. 发现频繁项目集是关联规则数据开采中的关键问题。
- Then, the parallel algorithm for mining Boolean association rules is improved to discover frequent fuzzy attributes. 用改进布尔型关联规则的并行挖掘算法来发现频繁模糊属性集.
- Association rules used in mining the database of tumor diagnoses can provide useful information for tumor diagnoses. 挖掘肿瘤诊断数据库中的关联规则,能为肿瘤诊断提供有用的信息。