- Acts as the top of a two-level named hierarchy of. 集合的两级命名层次结构的顶级。
- A tree is a hierarchy of folders and files. 一棵树就是一个目录和文件的层级结构。
- He roared out the word of command. 他大声发出命令。
- Which command Show full path name of command. 显示命令的完整路径,如详细内容。
- A series of ste in the organizational hierarchy of a company. 公司组织等级制度中的一系列晋升阶梯。
- I'd better expedite the change of command. 我最好尽快上任,接过指挥权。
- Up rose the soldiers at the word of command. 一声令下,士兵们都站了起来。
- The DOM presents data as a hierarchy of node objects. DOM将数据显示为节点对象层次结构。
- Each policy level consists of a hierarchy of code groups. 每个策略级别包含一个由代码组构成的层次结构。
- Avoid conflicting lines of command. 杜绝多头听命,造成指令矛盾。
- Creates the hierarchy of child controls that make up the control. 创建构成控件的子控件的层次结构。
- Sets up the control hierarchy of the FormView control. 设置FormView控件的控件层次结构。
- Returns a collection of command objects. 返回命令对象的集合。
- The DOM presents a document as a hierarchy of node objects. DOM是一个代表节点对象层次的文件。
- As I read my Bible, however, I see a different hierarchy of values. 然而,当我们阅读圣经时,我看到一个不同的价值体系。
- He roared out the word of command . 他大声发出命令。
- Maslov's hierarchy of needs theory is a great theory. 阿鲁卡多已经来催了,赶紧来更新下。
- Who is in authority (ie holds the position of command) now? 现在谁掌权?
- Seal of Command: Clarified tooltip. 命令圣印:修正说明。
- As privates of the industrial army they are placed under the command of a perfect hierarchy of officers and sergeants. 他们是产业军的普通士兵,受着各级军士和军官的层层监视。