- high calorie diet 高卡饮食
- She 's on a low - calorie diet . 她只吃低热量的东西。
- Eat fruits and vegetables for snacks.And try to cut out processed carbs, fast foods, and high calorie drinks from your daily diet. 在日常饮食中尽量不吃加工过的碳水化合物,快餐以及高热量饮料。
- Percent Daily Values( DV) are based on a2,000 calorie diet. 每日所需标准百分比,是以热量2000卡之膳食为计算标准。
- Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2, 000 calorie diet. 每日所需标准百分比,是以热量2000卡之膳食为计算标准。
- High calorie food was excepted from the menu since last year. 从去年开始,高卡路里食物就被从菜单上去掉了。
- One night, we ate so how high calorie things, I hastened to heal. 一个晚上,便吃了那么多高热量的东西,我赶紧收口。
- Since this is a very low calorie diet, daily caloric intake rarely, it can quickly lose weight. 由于这是属于极低热量的饮食,每日的热量摄取量很少,因此能快速减轻体重。
- Mental Note To Self: if I want to give a food gift to a friend this Christmas, make sure it's a low fat and low calorie diet food. 心理自注:如果我要给一个朋友今年圣诞节礼物食物,好让它的低脂肪、低热量饮食食品。
- A high-fat, empty calorie diet can set the stage for an inflammatory response that actually fuels a cancer patient's disease and undermines treatment. 高脂肪、无热量的饮食能为癌症病人的疾病创造火上加油的条件,从而破坏治疗。
- As we all know the high calorie beef and mutton, which helps people living in high altitude cold areas. 众所周知牛羊肉热量很高,这有助于生活在高海拔地区的人们抵御寒冷。
- This kind of fast food not only provide children daintiness but also high calorie. 根据一项最新调查结果,95%25的肥胖儿童喜欢吃快餐食品。
- McDonald's and others still sell high calorie and high fat products, and we shouldn't expect those to disappear anytime soon. 麦当劳等仍出售高热量、高脂肪产品、我们不能期望那些无法早日消失。
- Drink less milk tea which may contains high calorie, high oil and no nutrition at all. Eat less salt, sootiness and barbecue food. 少喝奶茶,因为高热量,高油、没有营养价值可言,长期饮用,还要减少食用盐腌,烟熏,烧烤的食物,
- To create a low calorie, heart healthy salad, avoid creamy, mayonnaise based salad dressings and high calorie toppings such as croutons. 想做份低卡、对心脏有益的沙拉,就得避免使用以奶油或美乃滋等沙拉酱以及高卡路里的食材,像煎过的面包丁。
- Consistent exercise can balance out and make up for the occasional high calorie fast food meal, while at the same time providing countless other health benefits. 一贯运动可平衡、补偶尔高热量快餐饭同时提供健康福利等不计其数。
- Objective: The morbidity of diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is increasing with the effect of modern life style of high calorie and low activity. 目的:在高热量低活动量的现代生活方式影响下,代谢性疾病糖尿病(DM)和糖耐量减低(IGT)的发病率不断攀升。
- While some drugs and some disease conditions (i.e. hypothyroidism) may cause a pet to be overweight, more often obesity is caused by overfeeding and high calorie foods. 用药或患病(如甲状腺机能减退)可能导致宠物体重增加。排除这些因素,饮食过量和食用高热量食品往往是引起宠物肥胖的罪魁祸首。
- Eating a low-fat, low calorie diet Strategies included restricting certain foods, limiting quantities, counting calories or fat grams, using a liquid or exchange diet. 进食低脂肪、低热量的总食物策略,包括限制某些食物、限制总入量、对热卡和脂肪克数记数、进食液体或代替品。
- US biologist John Phelan suggests low calorie diets could increase human life span, but there is no proof yet. 美国生物学家约翰?兰提出;低卡路里的饮食能增加人类寿命;但是目前还没有证据.