- Dinosaurs were able to survive even at high latitudes. 恐龙在高纬度地区也能生存。
- It was the brief Indian Summer of the high latitudes. 现在正是高纬度地区短暂而风和日丽的小阳春时节。
- The cusp is responsible for the famous auroras that grace high latitudes. 尖端”结构是形成著名的极光的原因,而极光的出现让高纬度的地区更加明亮。
- Tundra A region or type of vegetation at high latitudes and high altitude. 苔原:位于高纬度高海拔地区的植被类型。
- Well, aurora sightings are most common at high latitudes, so I could go to Antarctica. 嗯,极光的景象在纬度高的地方最普遍,所以去南极也可以。
- They are also seen in the high latitudes during the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere. 他们还看到,在高纬度地区夏季的南半球。
- Flax or canola cultivation of wheat crop spacing, in the dry barren land or high latitudes may also be growth. 亚麻芥还是小麦的间隔栽培作物,在干燥贫瘠的土地或高纬度地区也可生长。
- The debris at sea has doubled the spread of alien species in the subtropics and more than tripled it at high latitudes. 海洋中碎片的扩散速度是亚热带地区外来物种的两倍,更是高纬度地区的三倍以上。
- If high latitudes are the only requirement, couldn't you also see the auroras in Canada or Alaska? 如果高纬度是惟一的必要条件,你不是也可以在加拿大或阿拉斯加看到极光吗?
- During the course of a freezing season, sea ice may form at the surface up to thickness of 2 meters at the high latitudes. 在严寒季节,在高纬度可在海面形成厚度达2米的海冰。
- SATCOM provides worldwide coverage, with the exception of operation at the high latitudes (such as needed for flights over the poles). 卫星通信(SATCOM)可以覆盖除地球高纬地区(如飞越极地地区)外的所有地区。
- If the dinosaurs did not migrate, then presumably they would show adaptations supportive of year-round life in the high latitudes. 如果恐龙不迁徙,一整年都生活在高纬度地区,则意味著牠们能够适应那里的生活条件;
- Due to outstanding military exploits of the emperor at the time and hire (the cousin of high latitudes) of hate,ci si eventually. 因战功显赫而招到当时的皇帝(其堂弟高纬)的忌恨,终被赐死。
- FoodSome crop yields, such as cereals, could initially increase at mid to high latitudes, but start to decrease in some areas once temperatures climb by more than 3C. 食物在农产区,比如谷物,中高纬度地区的农作物产量开始时或许会增加;但如果问题升高超过3度的话,某些地区就面临着减产。
- Under the forcing of northward eddy heat transport, a positive transport circulation can result which rises at low latitudes and sinks at high latitudes. 向北的涡动热量输送可以强迫出一个正的输运环流,其在低纬度上升并在高纬度下沉。
- The flat landscape is strewn with tiny pebbles and shows polygonal cracking, a pattern seen widely in Martian high latitudes and also observed in permafrost terrains on Earth. 平坦的景象中散布着小卵石以及多边形状裂痕,这种裂痕在火星高纬度地区广泛分布,在地球的永冻带也能看到。
- The map displays the entire world using a cylindrical map projection; this results in a good display of low latitudes, but severe distortion at high latitudes. 地图使用圆柱形,这样会使低纬度地区显示得比较明显并且会使高纬度地区仅仅发生很小的形变。
- At the sea-surface pressure level, the stronger anomaly centers are located in high latitudes, the Ural high is strengthened, the Aleutian low is enhanced. 海平面气压场上,乌拉尔山北部高压、欧洲南部低压及阿留申低压等较高纬度系统异常加强(加深)。
- The solar wind streaming from this coronal hole triggered colorful auroral displays on planet Earth begining late last week, enjoyed by spaceweather watchers at high latitudes. 太阳风从这个冕洞中流出,从而触发了上周末地球极光的发生,让高纬度的太空观测者们欣赏到了美景。
- Shuangyashan City, located in high latitudes, is a cold temperate continental monsoon climate, the long winter, cold and dry in the summer short, warm and wet. 双鸭山市地处中高纬度,属寒温带大陆性季风气候,冬季长、寒冷而干燥,夏季短、温热而多雨。