- My grandma was a woman of high principles. 我祖母是一位道德高尚的人。
- These actions stamped him as a man of high principles. 这些行为表明他是极有节操的人。
- These actions stamp him as a man of high principles . 这些行为显示出他是一个很有节操的人。
- These actions stamp him as a man of high principles. 这些行为显示出他是一个很有节操的人。
- He is a person of high principles,who can look anyone straight in the eye. 他是个有高度道德原则的人,无论对谁都可以问心无愧。
- To uphold one's high principles without submitting to threat, bribery, ect. 抗节不附
- He professes to have high principles,but he does not always act up to them. 他声称有高尚的原则,但总是做不到。
- He was a man of the highest principles. 他是个非常有原则的人。
- Marked by or requiring strict adherence to rigorous standards or high principles: a severe code of behavior. 严格的:要求严格遵守精确标准或高度原则的或以之为特征的。
- These actions stamp him as a highly principled man. 这些行为说明他是个有高度原则的人。
- The principal characters include Dorothea, a young woman with high principles who decides to marry a serious-minded older man whom everybody but She can see is a hopeless loser. 主要人物有多拉西亚,是个有高度原则的年轻女人,非要嫁给一个古板的老头子,除了她,人人都看得出那老头是个命定的失败者。
- He is a man of high principle. 他是节操高尚的人。
- Bushido is the highest principle for traditional Japanese soul. 武士道是传统日本人灵魂的最高准则。
- He laments that the administration has abandoned the high principles that America set with the Nuremberg tribunals, which accorded even the most venal and reprehensible Nazis open and fair trials. 他痛惜道,当初在美国曾与纽伦堡审判庭所共同确立的一系列重要原则之下,即便是最为恶贯满盈的纳粹分子受到的也是公开和公正的审判,而现如今美国已经将这些原则抛诸九霄云外了。
- Places where tourism and other economic activities are expanding uncontrollably may also trample on UNESCO's high principles, which seek to preserve the integrity of sites and their surroundings. 旅游业及其他经济活动发展不受控制的地区,也有可能践踏联合国教科文组织的高标准,这些标准本意是保护文化遗址及其周边四区的完好无损。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- If so, is there any higher principle than "the principle of appropriateness"? 如果有,是否有比“得体原则”更高层次的原则?
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。