- high quality and low overheads 价廉物美
- China's textile goods are well known for their high quality and low price. 中国纺织品素以质优价廉而著称。
- It has the advantages of stable performances, easy observance, little noise, high quality and low price. 具有性能稳定,观察方便,噪音小,价廉物美之优点。
- The running results show that the furnace is effective,of high quality and low energy cost. 实践应用结果表明,该加热炉具有产品质量好、效率高、能耗低等特点。
- Among those forging methods, isothermal forging obviously exceeds others for its high quality and low cost. 在各种锻造方法中,等温锻造技术的高质量、低成本优势明显地优于其他方法。
- Potentiometers produced high quality and low price, well received by the dealers and manufacturers love. 所生产的电位器质优价廉,深受广大经销商及厂家的喜爱。
- Our production of various types of home lighting, high quality and low price range. 我司生产各种类型的家用照明灯具,质优价廉种类齐全。
- Therefore, LCED has become one of the effective design method for developing products of high quality and low cost. 它提供了一系列的产品设计质量和价值评价工具与手段,成为产生高质量低成本设计方案的有效方法之一。
- Besides, with the regional network support in Asia, KiC is able to offer a flexible, high quality and low cost offshore solution to our customers. 此外,我们在亚洲所具备的区域网络支持,也让KiC能够为客户提供灵活、高质量并且是低成本的离岸解决方案。
- Only washed coal or high quality and low sulfur content coal can be allowed to directly use by boilers for space heating and production. 对于采暖及生产锅炉直接燃煤,必须使用优质低硫煤或经洗选的煤炭。
- Through the application of the quality guarantee syst e m, high quality and low cost is achieved, and the competitive of enterprise is i mproved. 通过水泥质量保证系统的应用,实现产品的高质量、低成本,提高企业的竞争力。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。
- We supply high quality and low price products,such as longan,lichee,aquatic product dried food,etc. welcome to purchase our products. 嘉瑞商贸是一家专营福建土特产的贸易公司,主营龙眼干,批发兼零售,提供超市,商店,批发店等;产品销往中国各地;并大量供应海外市场.
- The instrument has some advantages: friendly user interface, fast DWT algorithm, abundant on functions, high quality and low cost. 该仪器具有几大优点:友好的用户界面、快速的小波变换算法、丰富的分析功能、极高的性价比。文中给出了几个实际应用例子。
- Max Weishaupt GmbH is one of Europe's leading manufacturers who produce burners and heating systems with high quality and low energy costing. 麦克斯威索有限公司是欧洲领先的生产燃烧器和加热系统的制造厂商之一,其产品以质量高、耗能低而著称。
- It is very necessary to avoid high analysis compund fertilizer mildewing for high quality and low cost of product.So a further research should be done. 防止复混肥料“长毛”,对提高产品质量,降低产品成本具有现实意义,该问题还有待进一步研究。
- High quality and low productivity,more than 80 years of eventful and changeful history,all have added to the preciousness of the small... 虽然质量很高,但产量却很少,历经八十多年世事沧桑能流传至今者,更是凤毛麟角,其珍贵程度可以想象。
- It is very necessary to avoid high analysis compound fertilizer mildewing for high quality and low cost of product.So a further research should be done. 防止复混肥料“长毛”,对提高产品质量,降低产品成本具有现实意义,该问题还有待进一步研究。
- This paper proposes a scheme for the design of high quality and low price color digital camera based on CMOS image sensor and general digital signal processor(DSP). 提出了一种基于CMOS图像传感器和通用数字信号处理器的低价格、高质量彩色数字照相机的设计方案。
- The firm set up in 2005.Main: Have bungeanum.Cuminum.Cumin.Star anise.Pepper.Cinnamon and so on.Long-term purchases of origin, variety complete, high quality and low price. 本商行成立2005年.主营:有花椒.孜然.小茴香.八角.胡椒.桂皮等.长年原产地购货,品种齐全,质优价廉。