- Behind these surpluses lie astonishingly high savings rates. 这些盈余反映了亚洲高得惊人的储蓄率。
- We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable will to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- Together with the vast market potential and high savings,I am sure Asia will soon resume its march towards prosperity. 亚洲市场深具潜力,人民的个人储蓄丰厚,我深信亚洲定能重新向前迈进,继续蓬勃发展,欣欣向荣。
- The pain tolerance threshold of the Hong Kong economy is traditionally high given the high savings rate. 香港的储蓄率高企,因此经济承受痛楚的能力一向相当高。
- With a high savings rate, the Mainland has a huge amount of funds that can be channelled into investment. 内地储蓄率高,有相当大的资金可作投资用途。
- Together with the vast market potential and high savings, I am sure Asia will soon resume its march towards prosperity. 亚洲市场深具潜力,人民的个人储蓄丰厚,我深信亚洲定能重新向前迈进,继续蓬勃发展,欣欣向荣。
- We still have innovative entrepreneurs, a hard working and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, and openness to trade and ideas. 我们仍然拥有敢於创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
- Second, the Chinese have a high savings rate because the old social safety net has disintegrated. 其次,中国储蓄率之所以处于高位,是因为原来的社会保障体系已经瓦解。
- One reason for high savings, Lardy says, is the shredding of the social safety net. 他说,高储蓄率的一个原因是社会保障体系的崩塌。
- We still have a young and flexible workforce,a very high savings rate,openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- We still have innovative entrepreneurs,a hard working and flexible workforce,a very high savings rate,and openness to trade and ideas. 我们仍然拥有敢于创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
- We still have the young and flexible workforce,the high savings rate,openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、持高储蓄率、放贸易、容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- We still have a young and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves. 我们仍然拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、持高储蓄率、放贸易、容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
- Although 2009 will be a painful year for poorer countries, those with high savings and modest debt could recover fairly quickly. 虽然2009年一些最穷的国家会很艰难,但是那些高储蓄、适度负债的国家将很快恢复。
- The borrowing may be underpinned by high savings, but it has not brought security for Japan's growing number of jobless and poor people. 高储蓄或许可以支撑起这种借款,但巨额借款却并未给日本愈加庞大的失业及贫困大军带来保障;
- Its young population, high savings rate and high growth rates, most economists believe the coming decades, China and India each have 7% to 8% rate of growth strength. 以其年轻的人口、高储蓄率及高增长率,大多数经济学家认为在未来几十年,中国和印度拥有每年保持7%25到8%25的速度持续增长的实力。
- In a country with a high savings rate and raw memories of past political upheavals triggered by sharp price rises, officials watch the inflation rate warily. 在一个储蓄率居高不下、有着价格大幅飙升引发政治动荡的痛苦回忆的国家,政府官员们正谨慎关注着通胀率。
- Zhou gave another speech in which he seemed to assert that China's extremely high savings rate is immutable, a result of Confucianism, which values “anti-extravagance. 在这篇演讲中,他似乎断定中国极端的高储蓄率是不可改变的,是儒家文化崇尚俭朴、反对奢侈的结果。
- When the last bubble burst in Japan, said Rogers, stock prices went down 85 percent despite the country's high savings rate and huge balance of payment surplus. 罗杰斯描述上一次泡沫破裂出现在日本,其股价下跌85%25,并没有受国内高存款利率和国际收支巨大顺差的影响。