- high slope of dam foundation 坝基高边坡
- The paper introduces the selection of dam type,type of upstream slope protection,the structure design of dam body and the treatment of dam foundation seepage prevention. 文章介绍了嫩江上尼尔基水利枢纽主坝坝型选择,上游面护坡形式选择,坝体结构设计及基础防渗处理。
- Owing to complicated and adverse geological conditions,the frame girder of reinforced concrete anchor bar was applied to reinforce the high slope of rebuilt access road. 紫坪铺公路改建工程高边坡地质情况复杂恶劣,采取了钢筋混凝土锚杆框架梁对坡体进行锚固。
- The high slope of permanent shiplock is a major building of TGP, also an important part of shiplock structures, which is broad in scale and complicatied in technology. 永久船闸高边坡是三峡工程的重要建筑物,也是船闸结构的重要组成部分,规模巨大,技术复杂。
- The trial load method, in which the effect of deformation of dam foundation is roughly taken into acount by the formulae developed by F. 多拱多梁法(试载法)是拱坝应力分析的主要方法,其中坝基变形常采用伏格特公式粗略计算。
- The Shapotou Key Water Control Project has some difficulties in its construction due to the soft stratum of dam foundation. 由于坝基软岩的存在,给沙坡头枢纽工程的建设带来了一定的困难。
- Combined with simulation test results of dam foundation seepage of Longtouqiao Reservoir,the dam foundation seepage was analysed and the seepage control measures were proposed. 结合龙头桥水库坝基渗流模拟试验成果,对龙头桥水库土坝基础渗流进行了综合分析,并提出了防渗措施。
- This method and correlative program were applied to the stability evaluation analysis for the high slope of Zipingpu Hydropower Station under the influence of atomized rain Infiltration. 将提出的方法和编制的程序应用于紫坪铺(上标%23)2导流洞出口高边坡工程,进行了边坡在泄洪雾化雨入渗影响下的安全稳定性计算与评价分析。
- This paper analyzes and contrasts the inverted "T"_shaped dam foundation and case type dam foundation to select the feasible basis principle of dam foundation type. 对倒"T"型闸坝基础和箱型闸坝基础进行了分析与比较,提出了选择合理的闸坝基础型式的基本原则。
- According to that method, the stability of high slope of the hydroelectric power station in reservoir area is analyzed, the engineering practices prove that the model function set up is effective. 根据这一思路,我们分析了某水电站库区高边坡复杂块体稳定性,工程实践证明,所建模型实用性较强。
- Characteristic water level and reservoir capacity is fixed,freeboard and dam crest is calculated,seepage prevention of dam body,dam foundation and dam sheeting is discussed. 针对除险加固措施,确定了水库特征水位与库容,计算了坝顶超高及坝顶高程,探讨了坝体和坝基防渗、坝面护坡及防冻等问题。
- The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill. 医院在小山的东坡。
- His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。
- A car clipped down the slope of the mountain. 一辆汽车沿著山坡疾驰而下。
- The effects of both charateristics of the anisotropic modulus of elasticity and the elastic variation of dam foundation on the local stress of the dam body are analyzed by finite element method. 通过对算例的有限元分析得出了坝体材料异弹模特性和坝基弹性变化对坝体局部应力的影响规律。
- The boundary element method has been applied to solve the problem of dam foundation seepage,and its results are compared with the ones from finite element method and fissure network method. 采用边界元法分析了坝基渗流问题,并与有限元法和裂隙网络法的计算结果进行了比较。
- The conclusion is educed that there is a reasonable depth when drainage is set and the effect of drainage diameter and drainage space on seepage discharge and uplift of dam foundation is studied. 只有主排水作用时,得到了排水孔作用效果的决定因素,得出了排水孔的设置也应有一个合理深度的结论,还分析了排水孔孔径、间距对渗流量和扬压力的影响。
- Through the finite elemental program of ADINA, a three-dimensional model of high slopes of Geheyan Power Station was established. 摘要以有限元计算程序ADINA为平台,建立隔岩电站厂房高边坡的三维模型。
- Crack treatment technique for upstream slope of dam 三峡工程泄洪坝段上游坝面裂缝处理技术
- Rock mass acoustic emission on high slope of TGP's ship lock 三峡工程双线五级船闸高边坡岩体声发射监测