- high sulfur oils 高硫油
- The common cylinder oil whose TBN is 40 mgKOH/g or 70 mgKOH/g can't meet the lubricating demands of engine for such high sulfur content fuel. 在国外;已经开始使用硫含量大于3.;5%25的燃料油;为满足使用该类燃料油的发动机润滑要求;需要使用更高碱值的船用汽缸油;100号船用汽缸油是目前国内外碱值最高的汽缸油产品。
- In processing high sulfur crude oil, the YPC refinery gradually foun d that the sulfur had harmful effects to quality of its products and causing equ ipment erosion. 扬子炼油厂在加工高硫原油过程中,逐步感受到硫对产品品质、设备腐蚀的影响和危害。
- SMR is a draper hydrogen source than even low value alternative feedstocks such as high Sulfur residue, high sulfur coke or coal. SMR作为氢气来源,其成本甚至比其他廉价原料还要低,如高含硫渣油、高含硫焦碳、或煤等。
- The rare-earth-magnesium-calcium alloy is a compacted agent more suitable for high sulfur base gray iron in cupola. 稀土镁钙合金是比较适合于冲天炉高硫铁水使用的蠕化剂。
- Research on Dressing Test of Magnetite with Low Copper and High Sulfur of Xinqiao Mining Co., Ltd. 新桥低铜高硫磁铁矿选矿试验研究。
- Blowout diffusion of natural gas with high sulfur may cause serious safe problems. 高含硫天然气井喷扩散将造成严重安全问题。
- But for high sulfur treatment (90 kg S hm-2), the Pn and Chl for all leaves were lower than that of the middle sulfur treatment (60 kg S hm-2). 但是,在高硫处理下(90kg/hm~2),顶部功能叶、旗叶和倒三叶的光合速率和叶绿素含量均有下降的趋势。
- The advantage comprises not only solving the question of high sulfur content of gasoline,but also increasing the production of reforming gasoline. 其优点在于不仅可以解决汽油产品硫含量高的问题,又可以增加重整油的产量。
- The advantage comprises not only solving the question of high sulfur content of gasoline, but also increasing the production of reforming gasoline. 其优点在于不仅可以解决汽油产品硫含量高的问题,又可以增加重整油的产量。
- Corresponding coun-termeasures and suggestions are put forward against the overhigh H2S in liquid hydrocarbons when processing high sulfur crude. 针对加工高含硫原油运行条件下液态烃硫化氢超标问题,提出相应的对策及建议。
- The paper relates the appraisal result of the metal coagent MCA in high sulfur,low sulfur and DCP curing systems of NBR. 介绍了金属活性助剂MCA在丁腈橡胶的高硫硫化体系,低硫硫化体系、过氧化物(DCP)硫化体系中的鉴定结果。
- The concentrate from a Yunan high sulfur iron ore has a sulfur content that exceeds that specified in the standard due to the pyrrhotite. 云南某高硫铁矿石因含磁黄铁矿而造成精矿含硫超标。
- The combustion characteristic of high sulfur coal from Sichuan was studied by using the combination of TG and FTIR in this paper. 用热重和红外联机手段,考察了以四川高硫煤为代表的煤粉的燃烧特性。
- Isolating metallic surface of equipment from the corrosive medium of high sulfurous petroleum in oil refinery, keep the plant working for a long time. 隔离设备表面和腐蚀介质,用于炼制高含硫原油的常减压装置,可以保护设备长期运行。
- Clean Coal Technologies of high sulfur coal (CCHS) include: screening, washing, coal blending, furnace-front briquetting and capturing sulfur in furnace. 高硫煤的洁净(CCHS)技术包括筛分、洗选、配制、炉前成型和炉内固硫等。
- Doba Crude Oil has the highest average density,923.6kg/m3,whereas Marib Crude Oil has the lowest one,793.7 kg/m3.Arabian Middle Crude Oil has the highest sulfur content,2.56%(m/m),whereas Bach Ho crude Oil has the lowest one,0.043%(m/m). 其中进口原油最大平均密度值是乍得(DOBA)原油;为923.;6kg/m3;最小平均密度值是也门(MARIB)原油;为793
- The corrosion mechanism of sulfides and the equipment corrosion status of propane deasphalting unit since processing vacuum residue with high sulfur content were introduced. 摘要 介绍丙烷脱沥青装置的硫化物的腐蚀机理和加工含硫渣油后对部分设备的影响,分析了产生腐蚀的原因。