- Social control becomes a substitute mechanism as long as excessively high transaction cost fails the market to solve the internality problem. 只有当因交易成本过高使市场解决内部性无效时,社会性管制才作为一种替代性的机制发挥作用。
- Our eco-engineering construction will be in the shorthanded plight because the present "yi shi yi yi" system has the defects of high transaction Cost, etc... 由于目前农村所实行的“一事一议”制度存在交易成本高等缺陷,因此,我国生态工程建设中必将面临着用工难的窘境。
- Some Economists applauded for it as the most efficient fishing quota system, but some other economists argued that its high transaction costs could cause losses in its efficiency. 许多经济学家将其认为是最有效的一种捕捞限额制度,但也有学者指出该制度存在比较高的交易成本,会影响其效率的发挥。
- You may also incur higher transaction costs as a result of such a strategy. 此外,它的交易费用可能会较高。
- high transacting cost 交易成本
- The ch oic e rests with the amount of transaction cost. 选择哪种方法,由交易费用的大小决定。
- Is Transaction Cost the Standard of the Institution Evolution? 交易费用是制度进化的衡量标准吗?
- The paperless work reduces the transaction cost to a great extent. 无纸化办公在很大程度上降低交易成本。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The function of institution is to legalize the necessary transaction cost. 制度的功能是让必要的交易费用合法化,让暧昧的交易费用规范化,让隐性的交易费用透明化,以使制度去适应日趋复杂化的组织以及日益增大的交易费用。
- Such applications typically need high transaction rates, coupled with very low latency for transactions, and they impose stringent durability and availability requirements. 这些应用要求有很高的传输率,加上低的传输延迟,他们要求有严格的持久性和高的可靠性。
- The reasonableness of capital gains lies in its scarcity and reduction of transacting costs related to production organization and management as a result of social ownership. 资本收益来源于劳动创造和各种成本的节约,而最终获得则是生产力发展的特定历史阶段社会所有权制度安排的。
- The return of autarky is extremely low but it doesn't have transaction cost. 自给自足方式不产生交易成本但收益极低。
- In other words, bus instances and message destinations are completely virtual, and can be scaled to serve extremely high transaction loads. 换句话说,业务实例和消息目的地是完全虚拟的,并且能够规定为极高程度的事务负载。
- She slurred over the high cost of her plan. 她避而不提她这一计画费用之巨。
- It is also the one with the lowest transaction costs. 它的交易成本也最低。
- Both retailers have monitored sales and investigated staff in recent weeks for implausibly high transactions, resulting in high bonus payments, given the current retail climate. 零售商销售也监测和调查工作人员在最近几个星期的implausibly高的交易,导致高奖金,鉴于目前的零售环境。
- Since most of the old villa high value, high transaction subject, to the extent that buyers in mortgage loans, equity transfer handling process frequently obstructed. 由于老洋房大多价值不菲,交易标的很大,以至于买家在按揭贷款、产权过户的办理过程中频频受阻。
- Under the postulate of constrained maximization, the choice of the form of competition is always a result of constrained transaction cost minimization. 在局限下极大化的假设下,竞争形式的选择一定是基于交易费用的局限下极小化的。
- Behavioral assumptions and theory development: the case of transaction cost economics By: Tsang, Eric W. K. 月,行为假设与理论发展:交易成本经济学案例。