- She has a high colour,ie a very red complexion. 她气色很好。
- She has a high colour, ie a very red complexion. 她气色很好.
- She gave a highly coloured (ie exaggerated) account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番。
- Early Japanese Colour picture post card, Kinosaki Spa Hotspring.Rocks, Cave, Girls. 城崎温泉 奇岩玄武洞 青龙洞之景观.
- I have seen in some colour picture that the steel is rolled being red and it looks quite hot. Why? 我在一些照片上看到正被轧制的钢都是红的,而且它看上去挺热,这是怎么回事?
- Application sprinkle mark requirement is very little, change the condition of high colour performance requirement. 一、用于浇痕要求极小、色性能要求高的情况.
- She gave a highly coloured(ie exaggerated) account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番。
- These poems give a colourful picture of country life. 这些诗篇构成了一幅农村生活多彩的画图。
- She gave a highly coloured(ie exaggerated)account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番.
- The high colour value or absorptivity needed for a commercial dye is not an advantage when that dye ends up in a waste stream. 当它排入废水时,作为商品染料所必须具备的强着色值成的附性显然对废水处理不利。
- I have seen in some colour pictures that the steel being rolled is red and it looks quite hot. Why ? 我在一些照片上看到正被轧制的钢都是红的,而且它看上去挺热,这是怎么回事?
- You have a high colour. 你脸色红润。
- It is an important term in photography to denote the quality of a light source. Sources rich in red light have a low colour temperature and sources rich in blue light have a high colour temperature. 色温是光源质量的指示,对摄影方面很重要。低色温的光源的光源偏红,高色温的光源偏蓝。
- Each second is a colourful picture in your exploring eyes and a successful lader in your pursuiting step.Hold on it tightly! 不要放弃你的幻觉,当它们已经逝去的时候,尽管你还存在,但是你已经抛弃了生的勇气!
- The picture shows us atop a high hill. 这张照片里我们站在高山顶上。
- Colour pictures are printed centrally and the additional printing of texts in different languages. 另一种预印是多语文的杂志或书刊内的彩图,它集中施印后,再分别加印不同的文字。
- She had a round, highly coloured face in which were combined good-natured shrewdness and the habit of command. 她有一张红润的圆脸,脸上同时露出机灵的天性和发号施令的习气。
- Art forms ranged from black-and-white woodprint to chromatography, watermark, lithography, etching and many other composites, presenting a colourful picture of enormous variety. 黑白木刻以外,套色版画、水印木刻、石版画、腐蚀版画以及其它综合版画多种不同的品种,均得到长足的发展,形成这一时期版画创作上百花齐放、万紫千红的繁荣局面。
- Methods of measurement of colour picture tubes 彩色显象管测试方法
- As the Puritans condemned the images and incense of the Roman Church, so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured. 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。