- How does ionizing radiation affect our body? 辐射如何对人体做成危害?
- A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to100ergs per gram or0.01joule per kilogram of irradiated material. 拉德电离辐射吸收的能量的单位,等于受照射物质每克100格或每千克0。01焦耳
- Abstract : Deinococcus radiodurans is concerned with by the researchers for its high resistance to ionizing radiation, UV, and other mutagenic agents. 摘要 : 耐辐射球菌因其对辐射、紫外线、诱变剂等的极高抗性引起了人们的注意。
- MOS devices have to suffer from ionizing radiation as they are widely used in theenvironment of space, nuclear energy and nuclear weapon. 随着航天技术、核能技术及其核武器等高技术的迅速发展,越来越多的MOS器件需要在电离辐射环境中工作。
- Institute for High Energy Physics. 高能物理研究所。
- Experimentation indicates: under the same radiation dose, ionizing radiation damage at low dose rate is more than that at high dose rate. 试验表明:在相同辐射剂量下,低剂量率辐照损伤比高剂量率大。
- High energy absorption and low reaction force. 制品具有高吸能,低反力的特点。
- Different organs have different sensitivity to ionizing radiation. 人体内不同组织对辐射亦有不同的敏感度。
- High Energy Street Punk From Janpan! 日本超高能量的街头庞克团来台演出!!
- Ionizing radiation can cause damage to living cells and tissues. 辐射可能对身体细胞和组织造成损害。
- A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to100 ergs per gram or0.01 joule per kilogram of irradiated material. 拉德电离辐射吸收的能量的单位,等于受照射物质每克100格或每千克0。01焦耳
- Electromagnetic radiation used to raise atoms or molecules to a higher energy level. 电磁辐射能用来将原子或分子提升到较高能级的电磁辐射
- A unit of absorbed radiation dose, equal to the amount of ionizing radiation that will transfer 93 ergs of energy to gram of water or living tissue. 物体伦琴当量(电离辐射剂量):被吸收的辐射剂量的一个单位,等于可以把九十三尔格的能量转移到一克水或活的组织中的离子化幅射的量
- At LEO altitudes the hazardous environment towards polymers includes atomic oxygen (AO), UV radiation, ionizing radiation, ultra high vacuum, thermal cycles. 在低地球轨道范围内,主要空间环境为原子氧、为陨石与空间碎片、紫外辐射、热循环。
- Sweet sorghum is a all-purpose renewable high energy crop. 甜高粱是一种多用途可再生的高能源作物。
- Yet recent experiments have demonstrated that even remarkably low energy electrons set off by ionizing radiation can break up key molecular components of RNA and DNA. 然而最近已有实验证明,游离辐射放射出的电子,即使能量很低,也会使RNA与DNA中重要的构成分子分崩离析。
- Some atoms decompose only after being bombarded with high energy particles. 有的原子受到高能粒子轰击之后才会裂变。
- Absorbed dose applies to all types of ionizing radiation and substances. 吸收剂量适用于任何类型的电离辐射和任何物质。
- Will the "winter" of high energy consumption industries come? 高耗能产业的"冬天"将至?
- Radiation injury: Tissue damage caused by exposure to ionizing radiation. 辐射伤害:曝露在电离辐射中造成的组织损伤。