- Supply High Purity Germanium Bracelet. 供应高纯锗手链。
- In the 6th week plasmid DNA could only be detected in quadriceps. 第6周除在股四头肌可检测到外,其余组织中均为阴性;
- This glittering green emerald is of high purity. 这个翡翠绿莹莹的,成色极好!
- By using high salt and low pH DNA method,the DNA extracted with high purity and low production,which of modified CTAB with the contrary results,high production and low purity. 用两种提取方法从叶片中得到的DNA产量和质量有所不同,高盐低pH法提取的DNA纯度高,但是产量较低; 而改良CTAB法则相反,产量高,纯度低。
- The results showed the DNA extraction kit could obtain high purity genomic DNA with low density, and high concentration, good quality and relatively low cost by Phe/Chl method. 总的来看,试剂盒法提取的DNA纯度较好,但是浓度低,而苯酚法得到的DNA浓度高,质量好,且相对成本低。
- Comparison of different kits and different methods indicates that DNA with high purity and high yield can be extracted from vermicelli by the modified CTAB method. 本实验采用改良的简易CTAB法从深加工产品粉丝中获得高纯度和高浓度的DNA。
- Objective To develop a procedure for large-scale purification of plasmid DNA. 摘要目的建立适合大规模纯化质粒DNA的工艺。
- Why do we need High Purity Water for cleaning and rinsing? 为什么要用超纯水作清洗和冲洗?
- Lampshade is in extrusion forming with high purity aluminum. 灯罩采用高纯度铝材挤压成型,反光效率高,不会脱色;
- The EDX spectrum shows that the nano-zinc sulfide has high purity. EDX能谱表明该法制备的纳米硫化锌具有较高的纯度。
- Brilliant cresyl Blue, high purity biological stai... 亮甲酚蓝/灿烂甲酚蓝/煌焦油蓝;
- High purity theanine could be produced through re-cryst... 通过重结晶可得到纯度90%25的茶氨酸;得率为0.;8%25。
- P16-promoter-luc-pGL2-Basic plasmid DNA was prepared after plasmid amplification, and digested by EcoR I and Hind III. 扩增p 16 promoter一luc一pGLZ一Basic报告基因表达质粒并提取其DNA。
- Usually PTC Ceramics was made from high purity materials. 制备高性能PTC热敏陶瓷电阻,一般采用高纯度原料。
- This arti cle reviews the structure of plasmid DNA, especially the structure of its Assist ant units and effects. 本文阐述了基因免疫中质粒DNA中的结构组成特别是其佐剂单位及其作用。
- Why is high purity polycrystalline silicon necessary? 为啥多晶硅需要高纯度?
- Plasmid DNA and calf-DNA are irradiate d by laser with the samestrengty and different irradiation period. 激光作用质粒DNA和小牛胸腺DNA产生损伤效应,导致DNA结构变化。
- The traditional alkaline method to isolate plasmid DNA takes time and the operation system requires strict control. 实验室中常用的质粒提取方法是碱裂解法。
- Special bio-ferment technology assure high purity and good biocompatibility. 特有的生物发酵提取技术确保产品的高纯度和良好的生物相容性。
- Switch on the vacuum to draw the solution through the column (The plasmid DNA binds to the column material). 开启真空装置使液体通过管柱(质体DNA会与管柱物质结合)。