This paper discusses the opinion that it is not suitable to build the water cistern for a high rise building. 文章探讨了在城市建设高层建筑不宜单独设置储水池的论点。
Three or four times a year someone in a high rise building will feel the long swaying feeling of an overseas earthquake. 因为来自与海外的地震,在高层的人们一年当中会有3,4次会感到晃动。
Clouds cover the sun inbetween high rise office buildings. 云和办公楼图片 Clouds and Office Buildings.
Batten says that putting galleries and restaurants inside the old police building and creating yet another high rise will not showcase the uniqueness of the building. 巴顿说,将画廊与餐厅建在旧警察局里,并且在里面再造一个摩天大楼无法彰显该建筑物的独特风格。
Points out the importance of correct calculation of the acting forces on fixed supports at the riser pipe of a water system in high rise building air conditioning. 指出了高层建筑中空调水系统立管固定支座受力计算的重要性,介绍了计算方法,给出了计算实例,并为保证波纹补偿器的使用寿命,提出了合理的选择方法。
The 3)Yemeni have been building high rises like this for over a thousand years. 早在一千多年以前,也门人就懂得建高楼了。
And the sunset drapes all of the city's high rises. 当太阳落山时,那光线可以洒满城市的整个高楼大厦。
One bedroom in a high rise apartment on 12020-49 Ave., near Michener park. 征女室友: 12020-49 Ave高层两室一厅中的一卧室出租,厅不住人。
I prefer low rise to high rise. 我宁可选择矮房也不要高楼。
Water supply for high rise building,fire profection,heating,chilledwater in rhe air conditioning system,town main,residential complex,industrial application, and Iow pressure circulator of the boiler system. 高层建筑生活、消防、采暖、空调系统给水,城镇、城市住宅小区公共供水,也可用于工矿企业给排水以及低压锅炉循环给水。
Automatic Sprinkling System is widely applied for high rise building and deluxe hotels and the quality of construction and installation are essential to the effective performance of this system. 自动喷水灭火系统在高层建筑、级宾馆、店等场所应用比较普遍,但施工质量的好坏直接影响着系统灭火效能的发挥。
Based on the lateral force resisting system of high rise building, through abundant examples, this paper analyzes the types and internal force characteristics of megastructure systems. 从高层建筑抗侧力体系出发,通过丰富的实例,分析了巨型结构体系的各种形式和受力特点。
A ritzy high rise is a fashionable address for some recent New York City arrivals : A batch of tiny chicks. 一幢高级大楼日前成为一群纽约访客的时髦下榻地址:一窝小鸡。
M odern material and technology was employed in this redeveloped high rise factory building to create a more pleasant and highly sustainable working environment. 科达设计中心灵活运用了新的建筑材料把这二十九层高工业大厦的外观布置得高科技感及富有内涵.
From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today. 我上次来时高楼大厦屈指可数,如今奥林匹克场馆和摩天商务大厦令人眼花缭乱。
Convenience location with 2 high rise buildings. Facing the Tuanjiehu park.Large living room facing south, bright and sunny. 拥有非常优越的地理位置;正对团结湖公园.;高层建筑;客厅超大并且朝南
Type DL(W)Vertical &horizontal multi-stage pumps are suitable for fresh water transfer in high rise buildings,booster pumps or fire fighting sprinkler. 型立卧式多级泵适用于高层建筑的供水,管道增压及消防喷淋等。
Description Convenience location with 2 high rise buildings. Facing the Tuanjiehu park.Large living room facing south, bright and sunny. 拥有非常优越的地理位置;正对团结湖公园.;高层建筑;客厅超大并且朝南