- high rise shear wall 高层剪力墙
- Comparision of the Scheme on the Intervals of Shear Wall for High Rise Structures 高层剪力墙结构墙体间距方案比较研究
- high-rise shear wall stnteture 高层剪力墙结构
- Calculation of load-carrying capacity and experiment research on seismic behavior of mid- rise shear wall with concealed bracing 底部带暗支撑中高剪力墙抗震性能试验及承载力计算
- RC shear wall has been widely used in various structure systems. 摘要混凝土剪力墙被广泛运用于各类结构体系中。
- Main Points for the Technical Management in Construction of the High - rise Shearing Walls 高层剪力墙建筑施工中的技术管理要点
- Clouds cover the sun inbetween high rise office buildings. 云和办公楼图片 Clouds and Office Buildings.
- One bedroom in a high rise apartment on 12020-49 Ave., near Michener park. 征女室友: 12020-49 Ave高层两室一厅中的一卧室出租,厅不住人。
- And the sunset drapes all of the city's high rises. 当太阳落山时,那光线可以洒满城市的整个高楼大厦。
- I prefer low rise to high rise. 我宁可选择矮房也不要高楼。
- The frame should work together with shear wall in the frame-shearwall structure. 摘要框剪结构是一种常见的建筑结构形式。
- The rigid arm CC is simply a statement that the "plane sections" hypothesis may be applied to the shear wall. 刚臂CC只是说明了在剪力墙中可以应用“平截面”假设。
- A develop, emt are undertaken to derive a series of new element stiffness matrixes for column and shear wall which have rigid link or not. 为此本文着重利用稳定函数分析梁柱效应对杆单元刚度的影响,并推导出一系列带刚域或不带刚域的柱和剪力墙的新的单元刚度矩阵。
- Close by the North 4th ring road. High rise building with nice central garden. Modern design with large living space. 紧邻四环路,高耸的楼间有一个中央公园,时尚的设计理念给予了更大的生活空间。
- Axial-load ratio is a vital element affecting the seismic behavior of the shear wall and deciding its ductility. 摘要轴压比是影响剪力墙抗震性能的一个主要因素,直接决定其延性性能。
- A ritzy high rise is a fashionable address for some recent New York City arrivals : A batch of tiny chicks. 一幢高级大楼日前成为一群纽约访客的时髦下榻地址:一窝小鸡。
- RC shear wall with bi-directional single row of steel bars is applicable for multistory residence building. 双向单排配筋剪力墙结构适用于多层住宅结构。
- As you know, the high rise building which are constructed in China use some type of partitions instead of Block-works. 我的理解是:在中国建的一些高楼,有的使用了隔断形式而不是砖墙式。不知道这样翻译是否正确。请高手指教
- Short pier RC shear wall structure system with concealed bracings was put forward. 提出了钢筋混凝土带暗支撑短肢剪力墙结构体系。
- This paper discusses the opinion that it is not suitable to build the water cistern for a high rise building. 文章探讨了在城市建设高层建筑不宜单独设置储水池的论点。