- The conversation took a high turn. 谈话谈起兴头来了。
- A numerical investigation about effects of boundary layer suction in low-speed compressor stator cascade with large turning angle was carried out. 摘要本文采用数值方法研究了低速条件下附面层抽吸对大折转角矩形叶栅流场的影响。
- An object recognition and localization algorithm based on local feature?turning angle between neighbouring tangent vectors, is presented. 提出了基于切矢转角局部特征的目标识别与定位算法。
- Model XHF is able to automaticall suck slurry ,and it may be allocated horizontally without foam pump.It has a big diameter of impeller ,and high turning speed of the main shaft. XHF型浮选机有自吸矿浆能力;水平配置;不需泡沫泵;其叶轮直径大;主轴转速高.
- The PLC system collects coder data and sends the calculation results to a transducer to control the turning angle that the ladle turning requires. 系统以PLC为中心,对编码器采集信号进行运算处理,其结果送给变频器实现对钢包回转台的控制,满足钢包回转台的定位要求。
- Formulas were deduced for the calculate of the turning angle of outside wheel and the minimum steering transmitting ratio for the dual Ackerman steering of tractors. 推导了拖拉机双梯形外侧转向轮的转角以及最小传动角的解析计算关系式。
- It is convenient to measure the RCS, and the antenna pattern by this system having resolutions of both the turning angle of 1/36 degree and the echo signal voltage of 2.5mV. 该系统具有1/36度的转角分辨能力和2.;5mV的回波电压分辨能力;适用于目标RCS、天线方向性图等测量。
- The local hydraulic loss (or resistance) produced by a ball valve installed in a piping system depends on the valve design dimensions and on the handle turning angle. 安装于一个管道系统中的一个球阀门生产的液压的损失(或者主力)取决于阀门设计尺度和手柄的旋转角度。
- Logic high turns the top P-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the top P-channel FET off. 逻辑高接通顶部P沟道FET,而逻辑低则切断顶部P沟道FET。
- Logic high turns the bottom N-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the low side N-channel FET off. 逻辑高接通底部N沟道FET,而逻辑低则切断下侧N沟道FET。
- This paper introduces the main construction and the working principle of the speed control system of sine wave PM synchronous motor,and discusses with the emphasis on the detection of the turning angle of the motor rotor. 本文介绍了稀土永磁正弦波电机调速系统的主要结构和工作原理,着重讨论了转子转角检测这一重要问题。
- To investigate swirl and perfect evaluation criterion of engine/intake compatibility, a set of swirl generator was designed with adjustable blade turning angle, height and density. 为深入研究旋流以全面评价进气道/发动机相容性,设计了一套可调叶片转折角、叶片高度、叶片数的叶片式旋流发生器。
- Measurements of flow passage inside a rectangular turbine cascade with large turning angle while cooling-air injection upstream from three different rows at leading edge were performed. 摘要对具有前缘逆主流不同位置喷射冷气的大转折角气冷涡轮直叶栅进行了详细的流道内部测量。
- With a unique 2-piece joint between the axle and the wheel, the same extreme wheel turning angle is divided into two shallower angles without joint binding. 一个独特的2片联合之间的车轴和车轮,同样的极端车轮转角分为两个较浅的角度而不联合约束力。
- A judging criterion of closely spaced modes by eigenvector turning angles is put for ward in this paper. 用特征向量转角给出了一种密集模态的判别准则。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The numerical analysis of aerodynamic performance on the large turning angles cascade with chordwise slots is carried out. 本文对弦向开缝的某大转角压气机叶栅的气动性能进行了数值分析。