- higher college new student 高职高专新生
- higher vocational college new students 高职新生
- The new student is a little slow on the uptake, so you have to be patient. 这个新生理解能力较差,因此你得耐心一点。
- The new student came from England. 这个新生是从英国来的。
- Make the new students feel at home in your school. 让新生们在你们的学校里感到舒适自在。
- college new student 大学新生
- Lynn is a new student of our class. 林恩是我们班级新来的学生。
- A: Hello! My name's Carol, I'm a new student here. 你好!我叫卡罗,我是这里的新生。
- We can't get along with that new student in class. 我们没法和班上新来的那个同学相处。
- This is Sophie.She is a new student. 这是索菲娅,她是新学生。
- I think this new student is a Bad hat. 我想这个新学生是一个坏学生。
- The new students are very slow to adapt to the rules. 新生对于那些规定适应得很慢。
- Let me introduce the new student Mary. 让我来介绍这位新同学玛丽。
- Let we introduce Tom, a new student here. 我给你介绍一下汤姆,一位新来的学生。
- The Discussion and Analysis on The Education of Starting an Undertaking in The High College and Department of P. E. 高等体育院系创业教育探析。
- At registration I got my new student ID card. 注册时,我拿到新的学生证。
- This is Miss Sophie Dupont,Sophie is a new student. 这是苏菲杜朋,苏菲是一个新学生。
- The T1/2 of new student red blood cell is 45 days. 新生红细胞的t1/2为45天。
- I just joined a new student association. 我只是加入了一个新的学生协会。
- If advertisers decide to spend more on shows that demonstrate high college viewership, TV networks may decide to dedicate more of their schedule programming to college tastes. 如果广告商决定向那些证明有众多学生观众的节目投入更多钱,那么电视运营商可能会决定把他们的节目时间更多地分配给符合学生口味的节目。