- Furthermore, they are low caloric value and high safety fructan. 本文对此作了综述。
- higher caloric value 高卡值
- high caloric value [化] 高卡值; 高热值
- This paper presents a new method of using low caloric value gases such as BFG in high temperature industrial heating furnace. 论述了一种可将高炉煤气等低热值煤气用于工业高温加热炉的新方法。
- Study of caloric value in Cyclobanopsis glauce population. 青冈种群的热值研究。
- Analysis on caloric value of Chinese cities'municipal solid waste. 中国部分城市生活垃圾热值的分析。
- Due to its low caloric value and high content of water, the MSW is very difficult to burn stably in CFB boilers. 单纯的原生生活垃圾因其热值较低,含水率较高,很难在流化床锅炉中稳定燃烧。
- On the other hand, some foods provide a high caloric intake with only a small contribution toward nutrient requirements. 另一方面,有些食物,能量高而营养素的量少。
- Phthalocyanine dyes used as optical storage medium are of high caloric stability and chemical stability, while with low reflectivity. 酞菁染料具有较高的热和化学稳定性,但反射率低;
- The key points are caloric value of coal, the fusing characteristics of coal ash and the temperature at furnace center. 其要点是煤的热值,煤灰的熔融特性以及炉膛的中心温度。
- Abstract: Caloric value of various layers trophic organs shows: leaf>branch>stem>root. 摘 要: 青冈种群各层次器官热值均表现为:叶>枝>干>根。
- Study on the Caloric Value of Organs at the Different Development Stages of Moringa sp. 辣木植物器官不同发育阶段的热值研究。
- However, ether extract and caloric value decreased with the use of different added cereal crops, Chinese wolfberry, green pea and celluloses. 然而,乙醚抽出物及热能含量则因添加不同谷物、枸杞、青豆仁及纤维素而降低。
- The caloric value of the plant material is then determined by combustion and compared to the amount of solar energy which fell on the plants. 植物物质的热量值可通过燃烧来确定,并将其与照射到植物上的太阳能的量比较。
- There was a significant positive correlation between the gross caloric value and the C/N ratio in the underground part of C. lanceolata. 大披针苔草地下部分干质量热值与C/N呈显著正相关关系。
- The gas turbine using a low caloric value gas, which is suitable for iron and steel plants, has both single and multi tube type burner. 适合钢铁厂低热值煤气燃气轮机有单筒燃烧器和多筒燃烧器二种类型。
- Not just filling, heart-healthy snacks, nuts are great sources of fiber (but highly caloric, so nosh carefully). 它们不仅是可以填报肚子,有利于心脏的小吃,还是纤维的重要来源(但是高含卡路里,得小心食用)。
- When fuel with low caloric value is burned,the low oxygen combustion technology can effectively decrease the NOX emission and increase the thermal effectiveness. 当燃用低热值燃料时,采用低氧燃烧技术是保证高热回收率和低NOX排放量的有效途径。
- To the same trophic organ and the same diameter-class of seeding's caloric value is greater than that of coppice, and the difference decreases with increasing diameter-classes. 实生与萌生样木相同径级相同器官的热值也有所不同。实生样木各径级各器官的热值均大于萌生样木,且随着径级的增大差异减少。
- Shenhua coal has high volatile, high caloricity, low sulphur, and low ash.It is better power coal. 神华煤具有高挥发分、高发热量、低硫、低灰等特点,是优质的动力用煤;