- Effect estimates of similar magnitude and significance were seen in subjects in the high category of cotinine exposure (>0.215 ng/mL). 在可的宁暴露高水平下(>0.;215纳克/毫升)的个体上观察到相似程度和显著性的影响估计。
- higher category of soil classification category 土壤高级分类
- Wang Chong took Taoist's nature and inaction as his argument purpose, and took Heaven as the highest category of his outlook on the natural laws. 王充以道家的自然无为立论宗旨 ,以“天”为天道观的最高范畴 ,以“气”为核心范畴 ,由元气、精气、和气等自然气化构成了庞大的宇宙生成模式 ,与天人感应论形成对立之势。
- "Tao", the highest category and an illusive imagination beyond specific matters, is mysterious and beyond words in the Taoist philosophy. 在道教哲学中,“道”是最高的范畴,是一种超越具体物象的虚幻之象,神秘而不可言说。
- With the exception of output iterators, the iterator categories form a sort of hierarchy: Any iterator of a higher category can be used where an iterator of lesser power is required. 除了输出迭代器,其他类别的迭代器形成了一个层次结构:需要低级类别迭代器的地方,可使用任意一种更高级的迭代器。
- Areas that fall behind schedule may be "bumped up" to higher categories, resulting in more stringent control requirements. 那些滞后的地区可能会被“升级”到更高的一类,招致更加严厉的控制规定。
- Higher categories of UTP require more twists on each wire pair in the cable to minimize crosstalk at high transmission frequencies. 而在较高类别的UTP缆线内每对线需要扭绞得更多,以便于在高传输频率时可将串音减到最小。
- In the best group or highest category; excellent 第一流的;最好的;最优的
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- The higher officials knew there was a hen on. 高级官员们知道这里面有阴谋。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上涨的生活费用已经抵销了我们增加的工资。
- The airplane ascended higher and higher. 飞机渐渐升高。
- The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。
- It is a complexity of higher mathematics. 这是一道高等数学的难题。
- Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. 销售量的增加带来了更大的利润。
- The office worker is on strike for higher pay. 办公室工作人员为加工资进行罢工。
- The price was somewhat higher than I'd expected. 这价格比我预料的稍高一些。