- higher eduction of agriculture 高等农业教育
- Why to teach the higher education of series for the countryman? 何为国民教育系列的高等教育?
- Clearing the train of thought, optimizing the structure, vitalizing higher education of agriculture and forestry 明确思路,优化结构,振兴高等农林教育
- Professional Reference System of High Education of Art II. 高等院校艺术类学生专业参考大系2。
- higher education of agriculture 高等农业教育
- Study on Programme and Contents of Discipline of Agricultural Engineering in the Higher Education of France 法国农业工程高等教育研究
- All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有这些都预示着农业将复苏。
- The National Research Foundation for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under Grant No. 国家教育部高等学校博士点基金。
- higher vocational education of agriculture 农业高等职业教育
- The key issue for higher education of the new century is to bring the students'creativity into full play. 新世纪高等教育的关键是要充分发挥学生的创造能力。
- TDA course constrution in higher education of TCM has profound significance and is imperative. “中药开发与应用”课程建设在高校中医药教育中意义深远、势在必行。
- Conclusion: TDA course constrution in higher education of TCM has profound significance and is imperative. 结论:“中药开发与应用”课程建设在高校中医药教育中意义深远、势在必行。
- Graduated localization of higher education is the trend in contemporary higher education of China. 高等教育分层定位是当代中国高等教育发展逻辑的必然。
- Seventh, the question of agriculture. 第七点,农业问题。
- Conclusion:TDA course constrution in higher education of TCM has profound significance and is imperative. 结论:“中药开发与应用”课程建设在高校中医药教育中意义深远、势在必行。
- The study or science of agriculture. 农艺农业研究或科学
- The study on higher education of China has blazed a new path independently in recent 20 years. 20多年来,中国高教研究走出了一条本土化、自主发展之路,并初步形成了自己的特色。
- He will become secretary of agriculture. 他将成为下一任农业部长。
- Irrigation is the lifeblood of agriculture. 水利是农业的命脉。
- Nonprofessional dance education of common institutions of higher education, as an important part of aesthetics education of high school, has its specialy goal and meaning. 摘要普通高校非职业舞蹈教育作为高校美育的一个重要组成部分,有其特殊的目的和意义。