- Studies on enrollment systems of higher learning institutions in the region of pacific asia II. 亚太地区高等学校招生制度研究2。
- Comments on the Policy of the Reform of Faculty Affairs and Salary in Higher Learning Institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany? 德国联邦政府高等学校人事和工资改革政策评述?
- INPENS International College is a private higher learning institution that is fully backed by the Selangor State Government. INPENS学院是一家由雪兰莪州政府全力资助的私立学院。
- Higher learning institution inspectorship system is an important part of China's higher learning institution administration. 摘要高校督导制是我国高校教育管理中的一个重要部分。
- Therefore the core of higher learning institution development strategy must be continuously enhancement of education quality. 因此,必须把不断提高教育质量放在高校发展战略的核心地位。
- It boasts nearly30 higher learning institutions, including the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Polytechnic/ industrial University, and Anhui University. 她拥有国内外著名的中国科技大学、肥工业大学、徽大学等高等院校30所,有中国科学院合肥分院、息产业部三十八所、机械部合肥通用机械所、化工部第三研究院、国科技大学国家级同步辐射实验室等科研院所195个。
- E. specialty in higher learning institutions must establish the mechanism which adapts with it of goal of talents cultivation,curriculum,course content and teaching methods. 作为体育教师培养摇篮的高等院校体育专业教育在人才培养目标、课程设置、教学内容和教学方法等方面都必须建立一种与之相适应的机制。
- Due to poor management, frequent transfer of intellectuals and idle equipment, the state-owned assets in higher learning institutes are much wasted or devaluated. 由于管理体制不完善、人才频繁流动和设备闲置等原因致使高校国有资产流失或贬值。
- By investigating many higher learning institutions of Hunan Province, this article researches the new changes of intelligentsia, analyzes the causes of these changes, and puts out countermeasures and suggestions for the work of Intellectual in colleges. 目前高校知识分子在队伍结构、思想观念、价值取向、行为方式等方面都发生了明显的变化,今后高校知识分子的政策要根据这些新变化有针对性地加以改进。
- In accordance with the existing problems in the management, this article introduced the ABC classification to realize an efficient management of the instruments of higher learning institutes. 针对目前我国高校仪器设备管理中存在的问题,该文引入ABC分类法以实现高校仪器设备的高效率管理。
- The decentralized internal management within higher learning institutions (HEIs) has resulted in the development of the relationship of bailer and bailee for business operations of HEIs. 摘要高校内部管理的分权制,形成了高校产业经营的委托和受托责任关系。
- As a result, emphasis on humane qu ality education and initiation of personality education become an important cont ent of the quality education in medical higher learning institutes . 于是,加强医学院校大学生人文素质教育,倡导人格教育理念,成为医学院校加强素质教育的重要内容。
- The government needs to delegate powers of pricing to lower levels, regularize the price-restraining mechanism and perfect financial aid system in public higher learning institutions. 同时,应进一步健全价格监督约束机制,完善政府的教育经费供给体系和公立高校的助学体系。
- This paper interprets from two aspects the relationship between higher learning institutions and city construction, and puts forward several suggestions on the construction of innovative Huangshi. 为此从两个方面阐释了高校与城市建设相互促进的关系,提出了建设创新型黄石的几点思考。
- With the change at the deep level, the appearance of economic globalization and the coming of net work, ideological work in higher learning institutes is facing serious challenges. 随着社会主义市场经济体制的深层转型,经济全球化趋势的日益显示,网络社会的到来,高校思想政治工作面临严峻挑战。
- private institute attached to ptiblie higher learning institution 公立大学民办二级学院
- One who is a member of an institution of higher learning. 大学教师,大学生高等专业知识学院里的人
- logistics in higher learning institutions 高校后勤
- The five-day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。
- Higher learning institution assessment 本科教学评估