- institutions of higher learning management 高校管理
- The Discussing for Education Cost in the Institutions on High Learning Management 高等学校教育成本核算的探讨
- One who is a member of an institution of higher learning. 大学教师,大学生高等专业知识学院里的人
- The five-day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。
- higher learning management 高校管理
- One-Button Publishing to Learning Management Systems. 一键发布的学习管理系统功能。
- The five- day week is now usual in institutions of higher learning. 每周上五天课在高等学府已很普遍。
- This paper puts forward the" catfish effect" talent management mode in institutions for higher learning, and discusses some issues related to it. 文章提出了"鲶鱼效应"人才管理模式,并从高等院校的实际情况出发,探讨了与之相关的几个问题。
- We will continue to promote the reform of the internal management system of institutions of higher learning and commercialize their support services. 继续推进高校内部管理体制改革和后勤社会化。
- Institutions of higher learning should be geared to the needs of society, run independently and practice democratic management in accordance with law. 第十一条高等学校应当面向社会,依法自主办学,实行民主管理。
- The teaching quality management is backward, and administrative decision remains to be its main way at Inner Mongolia agricultural institutions of higher learning. 第六,教学质量管理意识落后,行政决定在我区高等农业院校中依然是基本的教学管理方式。
- Due to poor management, frequent transfer of intellectuals and idle equipment, the state-owned assets in higher learning institutes are much wasted or devaluated. 由于管理体制不完善、人才频繁流动和设备闲置等原因致使高校国有资产流失或贬值。
- The legal status of the public institutions of higher learning is mulriple. 公立高等学校的法律地位问题,是一个复杂的、多重性的问题。
- These products include Content Management Systems, Learning Management Systems, CRM and e-Support solutions. 这些产品包括内容管理系统、学习管理系统、CRM和电子支持解决方案。
- The institutes and higher learning should take mea-sures in advance. 从而唤起人们的垃圾危机意识,掀起垃圾减量化运动。
- Specifically, these are learning management systems (LMS) and operating systems. 明确地说,这些应用是学习管理系统(LMS)和操作系统。
- Hutchins, R. M.:The Higher Learning in America, 1936,Yale University Press. 作者系台湾清华大学通识教育中心主任暨信息系统与应用研究所教授。
- SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Learning)has become the dominant standard of web-based course and learning management system. SCORM日益成为网络学习管理系统需要遵循的事实性标准。
- Through the special economic zones we can import foreign technology,obtain knowledge and learn management,which is also a kind of knowledge. 从特区可以引进技术,获得知识,学到管理,管理也是知识。