- The higher modes have shorter periods than the fundamental mode and, moreover, they have higher velocities. 高振型波比基阶振型波周期短,波速高。
- Although small QW has smaller optical confinement factor and smaller ratio of carriers injected into QW, it can provide higher mode gain because of its smaller mixing between valence bands. 小阱宽的量子阱虽然光学限制因子和载流子注入比例都较小,但由于其价带耦合小于宽量子阱,从而具有高的模式增益,说明量子阱的能带结构对其光学特性有决定性的作用。
- Comparing with small tank, the sloshing in large tank includes not only fundamental mode but also higher modes and its fundamental period is much larger than that of small tank. 从与小体积罐的比较可以看出,大型储液罐的液面晃动不只是以基本振型为主,前几阶振型对液面晃动的贡献也比较显著,并且液面晃动的基本周期比小体积罐的大很多。
- Interpretation of the relative importance of the higher modes is difficult since the higher frequencies tend to be closely spaced. 较高模态的相对重要性的说明也是困难的,因为较高的频率趋于挤在一起。
- Doctor Jianghai Xia in American Kansas University combined the fundamental mode with the higher modes, carried out the dispersion curve inversion by using the damping least square method, and Acquired preferable result. 美国Kansas大学夏江海博士将基模波和高模式波结合起来考虑,用阻尼最小二乘法进行瑞雷波的反演,获得了很好的效果。
- higher mode P-progression distribution 高次P-级数分布
- The impact of piping to supports can excite higher eigenmode and results in an energy transfer from dominant lower modes into higher modes of vibration. 管道与支座的碰撞激发出系统的高阶振型,导致系统能量由低阶模态向高阶模态转移。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- A novel back-ward wave oscillator(BWO) with photonic band gap(PBG) structure is proposed. The PBG structure offers mode-confining and choosing mechanisms,restraining the lower modes and making the BWO operate at the higher modes. 提出了一种新型的具有光子晶体带隙(PBG)结构的返波振荡器(BWO),利用PBG禁带对BWO工作及输出微波模式进行调制,抑制低次模式,工作在高次模式。
- The higher officials knew there was a hen on. 高级官员们知道这里面有阴谋。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上涨的生活费用已经抵销了我们增加的工资。
- The airplane ascended higher and higher. 飞机渐渐升高。
- The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。
- Narrow waveguide after input section can effectively filter out the high modes which cause the ununiformity of Y-branches and has little influence on the length and excess loss of the device. 在输入波导后添加一段起模式过滤作用的窄波导结构,可以在对器件长度及损耗影响很小的情况下,有效滤除高阶模,减小干涉效应,改善器件输出的均匀性。
- It is a complexity of higher mathematics. 这是一道高等数学的难题。
- Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. 销售量的增加带来了更大的利润。
- The office worker is on strike for higher pay. 办公室工作人员为加工资进行罢工。