- On How to Inspire Higher Vocational College Girls'Interest in Learning P.E. 浅谈如何激发高职院校女生学习体育的兴趣。
- This paper probes into methods and techniques of English vocabulary teaching in higher vocational colleges. 据此,文章对高职高专英语词汇教学的方法和技巧进行了探索。
- Training direction of amanuenses major in higher vocational college is applied talents. 摘要高职文秘专业培养应用型人才。
- This paper will focus on the teaching principle and methodology research of ESP in higher vocational college. 笔者将就高职开设专门用途英语的教学原则、教法及实施途径进行探讨。
- There are many impediments in education for all-round development in higher vocational college. 摘要在职业技术学院推进推行素质教育工作中,存在着种种阻碍因素。
- To improve students' social adaptability is a bounden duty to higher vocational colleges. 对于高职院校来说,培养学生的社会适应能力更是义不容辞的职责。
- This paper analysis the target system of the teacher at the higher vocational colleges, furtherly it presents several strategy to realize the target. 摘要文章对高职院校师资队伍建设的目标体系进行了分析,并在此基础提出了实现高职院校师资队伍建设目标的几种策略。
- Specialty construction is a system engineering that influences the survival ano development of higher vocational colleges. 摘要专业建设是一项系统工程,其建设的好坏直接影响到高职院校的生存与发展。
- A higher vocational college's own conductions possess obvious motivations for forming a study-oriented higher vocational college. 高职院校在区域发展中的作为对形成学习型高职教育具有明显的促动作用。
- It is an important task for higher vocational colleges to take effective measure to improve students' quality and rivalrousness in employment market. 摘要当前,采取有效措施,提高学生素质,提高学生在人才市场上的竞争力,已成为各高职院校面临的重要课题。
- How to offer good accountant specialty in higher vocational colleges is a very practical and urgent problem for accounting teachers. 如何办好高职会计专业,是摆在会计教师面前的一个非常现实而且迫切的问题。
- Methods Using CCSMHS and NEO-FFI,679 higher vocational College Students from 4 Hunan Vocational College were investigated. 方法采用大五人格问卷和中国大学生心理健康量表对湖南4所高职院校的679名高职学生进行调查。
- Its purpose is to find out where is its innovative point and play demonstrative role to talents training in higher vocational colleges. 其目的有二,一是寻找出二年制高职人才培养模式究竟有哪些创新之处;二是使其真正对高职人才培养起到示范性的作用。
- The principle of “sufficiency and necessity” is proposed in particular as the basic requirement for the curriculum in higher vocational colleges. “必需、够用”原则是针对高职基础理论课程设置和教学而提出的基本要求。
- However for students in higher vocational college is opposite, whose self-abasement is very serious.That influence their study and body and mental health. 由于种种原因,高职学生自卑心理严重,这不仅影响了他们的学业,也影响了他们的身心健康。
- It is essential for higher vocational colleges to establish humanized teaching system during the process of carrying out the humanized management for the students. 摘要高职院校在推行对学生实施人性化管理的进程中,建立人性化的教学体系十分必要。
- Compares the part-time faculty building situation of higher vocational colleges of Liaoning Province with other part provinces. Analyzes their common ground and differentia. 对辽宁省与外省部分高职院校兼职教师队伍建设的情况进行了比较,分析了其共同之处与不同之处。
- Transition of education ideas in higher vocational colleges lies in educators changing to fully realization of educatee's status and focuses on students' development. 摘要教育观念的转变是办好高职教育的前提,高职院校教育观念的转变在于教育者对受教育者主体地位的充分认识,这种观念的转变应以学生的发展为本。
- Idea and politics education in higher vocational college is different from other general colleges or universities, which decides its puzzledom facing has itself feature. 高职思想政治教育具有不同于其他普通高校的个性特征,它决定高职思想政治教育面临的困扰也具有一定的特殊性。
- Marxist philosophy is logic beginning point for higher vocational college students to learn Marxist theory, which is very important for "Two subjects" teaching. 摘要马克思主义哲学是高职学生学习马克思主义理论课的逻辑起点,在“两课”教学中非常重要。