- Article 132. The Supreme People's Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organ. 第一百三十二条 最高人民检察院是最高检察机关。
- A serious accident shall be reported to the local procuratorial organ. 构成重大事故的,通报当地检察机关。
- As the highest organ of state power,the NPC is responsible for drawing up state laws,deciding on important state affairs and electing the members of state administrative,judicial and procuratorial organs,and supervising them. 全国人大是最高国家权力机关,制定国家法律,决定国家重大事项,选举产生国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关并对它们实行监督。
- As a judicial question, and power of procuratorial and nature of procuratorial organ has never ended. 作为一个法学问题、检察权与检察机关的性质之争却一刻也未曾停歇。
- However, Chinese attorneys have merely limited access to the proofs the procuratorial organ has obtained. 目前,我国辩护律师依照法律只能十分有限地了解检察机关所掌握的证据信息。
- Procuratorial organs of the prosecution to less than this figure. 检察机关起诉的金额要较这一数字少。
- The procuratorial organ shall perform its responsibilities actively and establish a long-term procuratorial mechanism for correcting and preventing overtime detainment. 检察机关必须以积极作为的方式履行职责,建立一套纠防超期羁押检察监督的长效机制。
- On this dispute the scholar of the procuratorial organ, have serious selfish departmentalism, the procuratorial power reform should abandon departmentalism. 认为有些学者是“别有用心”,企图以西方三权分立理论为依据否定检察权作为法律监督权的性质以取消检察机关现有的一些重要职权。
- The procuratorial organ has not yet a well designed mode of the case quality administration, and current method has re- stricted the development of this work. 目前,检察机关完善的案件质量管理模式尚未建立,原有的模式影响和制约了检察机关案件质量管理工作的进一步发展。
- The procuratorial organ of continental law system with France and Germany as representative participates in judicial action during legislative and judicial practice. 特别是以法、德等为代表的大陆法系在立法及司法实践当中,检察机关参与民事诉讼的司法活动。
- If the internee is not convinced by the detention, he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs. 被拘留者对拘留不服,可以向公安机关或检察机关提出申诉。
- The victim" s appeal consults defendant" s, the case of appeal should be restricted in some range and should submit procuratorial organ" s decision letter of refusal to counter appeal. 被害人上诉参照被告人上诉,上诉案件限制在一定范围,同时必须提交人民检察院不抗诉决定书。
- Procuratorial organs should strictly supervise law enforcement in the investigating activities of public security organs. 检察机关严格监督公安机关侦查活动中的执法情况。
- However, the main status of procuratorial organ in the supervision of investigation has not been displayed completely.The effect of the supervision of investigation has not been satisfied as well. 但是,检察机关在侦查监督中的主体地位并未得到充分的发挥,侦查监督工作的效果并不尽如人意。
- Current work of procuratorial organ in China has insufficiency in all the above three aspects.As a result, procuratorial organ in china should be established in missions of equip... 当前中国检察机关在这三个方面尚有不足,基于此,中国检察机关控制职务犯罪要立足于预防和惩治贪污贿赂犯罪均衡化,全面维护公平和正义,并且以服务人类社会和谐发展为己任。
- If the internee is not convinced by the detention,he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs. 被拘留者对拘留不服,可以向公安机关或检察机关提出申诉。
- If he remains unconvinced by the judgement and ruling which are legal in effect, he may petition to people's courts or procuratorial organs. 对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定不服的,可向人民法院或者检察机关提出申诉。
- In centralized procurements, the government procurement organ is the procurer. 集中采购的,政府采购机构是采购人。
- The academe always argues on the nature of procuratorial organs and procuratorial power. 检察机关的性质如何定位,检察权是什么性质的权力,学术界一直争论不休;
- The procuratorial organs employ more recognizance upon bail than the public security organs do. 取保候审检察机关较公安机关采用较多。