- An uncalled-for, highly personal remark. 一句不得体且纯属人身攻击的话
- You can choose to be a high person, I never choose to be a inferior person. 你可以选择做一个高高在上的人,我决不会选择做向你卑躬屈膝的人。
- In order to succeed one has to embrace a highly personal practice and not to go with the tide and fool around. 要想成功的话,一个人应该积极地进行自我训练,而不是随大流混日子。
- The other is tacit knowledge which is not easily visible and expressible.It is highly personal and hard to formalize. 而另一种知识是隐性知识,不容易看见和表达,它万全是个人知识,难于形式化。
- Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. 同样,在诗歌中,高度个性化和富有表现力的文体是唯一真正有活力的形式。
- The governor has returned to the familiar higher personal taxation. 长官重新采用他所熟悉的高额人头税制。
- She began to forget meetings, sleep past her alarm, accidentally forward highly personal e-mails to her boss. 她开始忘记开会,睡过了头,不小心把高度个人化的电子邮件发给她的老板。
- Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real vibrancy. 同样,在诗歌领域,只有高度个人化和富有表现力的文学形式才是真正具有活力的。
- Geek Goddess has a tremendous amount of humor, and a highly personal writer's voice. 极客女神里拥有大量幽默的行文,以及极具个性的写作风格。
- I highly personal capacity, and Tashi people and seriously, strong sense of responsibility. 本人的个人能力较强,而且为人塌实和认真,责任心较强。
- In my opinion, attitude is an honest reflection of experience, something between sense and sensibility, and highly personal. 我认为态度是一种很实在的经验反馈,它介乎于一种理智与感情之间,十分个人。
- Some critics partly blame the crasis crisis on the American Americans' low savings rate and high personal debt. 一些评论家把经济危机归咎于国人的低储蓄率以及高额的个人债务。
- The 充 shows character and dignifies, is high personal status and the symbol of[with] identity. 充显个性与尊贵,是高品位与身份的象征。
- Traditions of cor-rupt,highly personal, big-man-dom-inated,winner-take-all politics persist, turning every political skirmish into a struggle for survival. 贪污、高度个人化、大人物专擅、赢家通吃的政治传统持续不坠,把每个政治上的小争执都扩大为存亡之争。
- Highly personalized dialog! Realize the dynamic control of the dialog box and progress bar shows the personalization. 极具个性对话框!实现了对话框的动态控制及进度条的个性化显示。
- Council also proposes a higher personal allowance deductible for applicants under SLAS. 法援局又建议,让辅助计划的申请人获得较高的个人开支豁免额。
- Fallon Photo provides highly personalized full production services to the advertising and editorial print industry. 法伦照片提供高度个性化的全面生产服务,广告和编辑印刷行业。
- You must to adhere to your highest personal standards of excellence to avoid making moral or ethical blunders. 你必须以这种标准要求自己,决不能犯下道德伦理方面的大错。
- It was once a highly personal type crime in the sense that it was most often committed by people intimate with each other as in a case of revenge or an attempt on private property. 过去,这在某种意义上属于高度个人类型的犯罪,即经常是发生在相互关系密切的人们中间的,如仇杀或谋夺私人财产的案子等。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。