- Second, the new historical conditions. 第二个问题,讲讲新的历史条件。
- It is a result of specific historical conditions. 这种状态是在一定历史条件下形成的。
- The specific content of patriotism is determined by historical conditions. 爱国主义的具体内容,看在什么样的历史条件之下来决定。
- All property relations in the past have continually been subject to historical change consequent upon the change in historical conditions. 一切所有制关系都经历了经常的历史更替、经常的历史变更。
- One child for one couple is a necessary choice made under China's special historical conditions to alleviate the grim population situation. 提倡一对夫妇生育一个孩子,是中国在特定的历史条件下为了缓解严峻的人口形势而作出的必要抉择。
- Comrade Wei Guoqing has made a good report.It is good because it analyses the problems posed by the new historical conditions and proposes pertinent solutions. 韦国清同志的报告好,好就好在研究了新的历史条件下的问题,有针对性地提出了解决的办法。
- The Social Historical Conditions on Produce of Mao Zedong Thought. Development of Mao Zedong Thought. 第一节、毛泽东思想产生的社会历史条件。
- Under the new historical conditions,how to inherit and innovate political and ideological work is an important subject. 在新的历史条件下,如何继承和创新思想政治工作,是一个重要的课题。
- Since 1980’s, the changing historical conditions make the soil for social floaters to come out and expand. 中国在20世纪80年代以来,转型社会的特定历史条件创造了促使游民阶层大量产生的土壤。
- We can understand women's significance and particularity under specific and historical conditions. 可以在战争这种特定的历史条件下深入了解女性的重要性和特殊性;
- But all the attempts ended in failure one after another,although they helped promote progress in China under given historical conditions. 这些斗争和探索,每一次都在一定的历史条件下推动了中国的进步,但又一次一次地失败了。
- We are historical materialists,and when we study a problem and try to solve it we cannot do so in isolation from the given historical conditions. 我们是历史唯物主义者,研究和解决任何问题都离不开一定的历史条件。
- We must understand the scientific tenets of Mao Zedong Thought correctly and as an integral whole and develop them under the new historical conditions. 我们要完整地准确地理解和掌握毛泽东思想的科学原理,并在新的历史条件下加以发展。
- Some negative things have been left over from the ten years of domestic chaos,and others have appeared and grown under the new historical conditions. 这里有十年内乱遗留下来的消极东西,也有在新的历史条件下产生和发展起来的消极东西。
- This conference has focused on the problem of how to carry on the army's fine tradition in political work and to improve its combat effectiveness under new historical conditions. 这次会议着重研究和解决在新的历史条件下,发扬政治工作的优良传统,提高我军战斗力的问题。
- We are historical materialists, and when we study a problem and try to solve it we cannot do so in isolation from the given historical conditions. 我们是历史唯物主义者,研究和解决任何问题都离不开一定的历史条件。
- Some negative things have been left over from the ten years of domestic chaos, and others have appeared and grown under the new historical conditions. 这里有十年内乱遗留下来的消极东西,也有在新的历史条件下产生和发展起来的消极东西。
- There is the possibility of the breeding of the new comprador under the specific historical conditions after China's entering WTO. 中国加入WTO后特定的历史条件下,新买办具有滋生的可能性。
- This is a world-class super aviation aerospace mother. Historical conditions decided it would rush out Asia, Towards the world! 这就是一艘世界级的超级航空母航.历史的条件决定了它一定会冲出亚洲,走向世界!
- Under the new historical conditions,they are endowed with a new scientific connotation,which is elaborated in the modern version of Hippocratic Oath. 在新的历史条件下,它们被赋予了新的科学内涵。这一内涵在现代版希波格拉底誓言中得以详细阐述。