- His critique has the positive meaning of ani-metaPhysics andhas important position in history of western philosophy. 他的哲学具有反形而上学的积极意义,在西方哲学史上占有重要的地位。
- Metaphysics, as the core and foundation of classical philosophy, has ever long been in a dominant position in the history of western philosophy. 摘要作为古典哲学的核心和基础-形而上学,在西方哲学史上它曾经长期占据着统治地位。
- His written works include Principia Mathematica(1910-1913), written with Alfred North Whitehead, and A History of Western Philosophy (1945). 他对于符号逻辑、逻辑实证论和数学的体论体系的发展有很深的影响。
- The Perceptual Ontology, whose naissance was very important in the history of western philosophy in the early 1800s, was firstly advocated by Feuerbach. 摘要感性本体论的诞生,是19世纪上半叶西方哲学发展史上的重大事件。
- The most significant split-split between scientism and humanism-in the history of western thought took place in western philosophy in modern and contemporary time. 摘要西方哲学在近现代发生了西方思想史上最重大的分裂,分裂为科学主义和人文主义两大思潮。
- In the history of western philosophy, the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme. Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology. 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。
- Martin Heidegger should deservethe honour of one ofthe greatest pMcsopers in the history of western philosophy in the twentieth century. His abstruse and thrilling thought has attracted widespread and enduring concern at home and abroad. 马丁·海德格尔堪称二十世纪的西方哲学史上最伟大的哲学家之一,他那玄奥艰深而又动人心魄的思想在国内外都引致了广泛而持续的关注。
- Their mingle (be in complete harmony) is the logical starting point of the whole book, which responded the theme of using knowledge and strength saving mankind in the history of western philosophy. 此二者的交融是全书意义的逻辑起点,并回应着西方哲学史上以知识与力达成人类自我拯救的永恒主题。
- Ernst Cassirer criticized consistently and deeply the three kinds of universal determinism which included physical one, psychologic one and metaphysical one in the history of western philosophy. 摘要卡西尔持久而深刻地批判了西方哲学史上普遍决定论的三种主要形式,即物理学决定论、心理学决定论和形而上学决定论。
- the History of Western Philosophy 欧洲哲学史
- A picture history of western sketch II. 西方素描艺术图典2。
- Since the linguistic turn in the history of Western Philosophies, language has become more important, and it has been regarded as Home of Human Existence and Way of Human Existence . 摘要随着西方哲学史上语言转向的发生,语言的地位大大提升。它已经被学术界普遍视为“人类存在的家园”、“人的存在方式”。
- Boyd, W., &King, E. J(1989).The History of Western Education. 编辑部编译。西洋教育史。台北:五南图书。
- Why I Am Not a Christian, and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects: A History of Western Philosophy 西方哲学史存在与时间
- We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。
- Phenomenology initiates the modern turnaround of western philosophy. 现象学开启了西方哲学的现代转向。
- history of western philosophy 西方哲学史
- Russell, R. A History of Western Philosophy. London:Unwin, 1979. 著名西方哲学教科书。字里行间反对和嘻笑基督教。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- What Russia needed, they thought, was a dose of Western philosophy and science to rationalize society. 俄罗斯有什么需要,他们认为那是一剂西方哲学和科学合理的社会。