- The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。
- They were ready to hold out a friendly hand. 他们准备伸出友谊之手。
- He held out a dress for the lady to try on. 他拿出一件女装让那位女士试穿。
- She held out a hand, said goodbye and departed. 她伸手,告别,然后离去。
- In his speech he held out a special example. 他在讲话中举了一个很特别的例子。
- This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect. 事态呈现出可喜的前景。
- "Here,"I held out a 500 naira bill. “拿着”我拿出500奈拉。
- Finally, a chance to live out a dream and pretend to be the boss. 终於可以实现自己的梦想,有了假装老闆的机会。
- He held out a golden thimble studded with rubies. 他这次手上拿着的是一个金灿灿的镶嵌着红宝石的顶针。
- The employers hold out the chance of quick promotion. 雇主们提出了一个迅速升级的机会。
- Inspiratory, put both hands on hip, hold out a bosom, stretchy rachis. 吸气,将双手放在臀部上,挺胸,伸长脊柱。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- For Terry Quinn, Strange's questions are a chance to absolve his conscience and shake out a little truth. 我的曾祖父是海盗,其它的祖先有的出身于马戏团,有的是偷马贼。”
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- He has been burning for a chance to visit Beijing. 他一直渴望着有机会参观北京。
- She will never let slip a chance to study abroad. 她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。
- He'll talk your head off if you give him a chance. 他一有机会就会对你说个没完。
- If you hold out a little longer, you will not fall short of success at the last stage. 再坚持一下就不至于功亏一篑了。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- His opponent did not stand a chance. 他的对手毫无取胜的机会。