- It has always held true that man cannot live without laws. 人类无法律则无法生存,这永远是正确的。
- It is universal truth that holds true for the whole world. 这是一条放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。
- As for certain comrades, this assessment does not hold true. 至于个别同志,就不能那么估计。
- The rules our parents lived by still hold true today. 我们的父母生活的规则到今天依然管用。
- Keynes's theory do not always hold true for all economic problems. 凯恩斯的学说并非适用于解决所有的经济问题。
- I believe those principles hold true for everyone,everywhere. 我相信,这些道理在任何地方、对任何人都是至理名言。
- The principle still holds true for the present situation. 这原则仍适用于现状。
- DESs' TLR and Restenosis Late Catch Up: Is it Hold True? 药物洗脱支架存在TLR和再狭窄后期赶上现象吗?
- Bob is a good boy and that holds true of Jim. 鲍伯是个好男孩,吉姆也是。
- You may find the examples dated, but the principles still hold true. 尽管书中的例子有些古老,但是其中原则在今天仍然非常适用。
- This holds true in the army,as it does elsewhere. 军队也是这样,就像其他地方一样。
- In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today. 从这个意义上讲,弗里德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)的话今天仍然是正确的。
- Do you say that holds true for this tour? 你说这话用在这次演出适用吗?
- The same principle holds true for Taiwan. 解决台湾问题也是这个原则。
- The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits. 上述定理和定律不但对直流电路而言是正确的,对交流电路而言也同样是正确的。
- This holds true in the army, as it does elsewhere. 军队也是这样。
- The same holds true for a belief in individuality. 对于个性的笃信也是如此。
- But the same did not hold true of secular communes, where the oldest was 40. 不过这一规律对世俗团体不成立(世俗团体最长命的才运营了40年)。
- It holds true both for regular and for guerrilla warfare. 正规战争是如此,游击战争也是如此。
- It has always held true that man can not live without laws. 没有法律,人就不能生存,这话永远正确。