- holding market proportion 市场占有率
- We hold market trends timely, improving products quality continuously, developing new products and improving service quality insistently. 产品销售全国各地及出口东南亚、欧美等国家和地区。
- The sort of car purchase is from new buying to repurchasing or interchanging.In order to hold market share, business must advance customer royalty. 汽车市场目前的购买型态,已由早期的新购型态,转变为增购或换购型态,为了保有市场佔有率,必须提升顾客忠诚度。
- The marketed proportion of QingHao was 85.75%, exceeding water and carbendazim respectively was 22.53%, 11.92%. 其中,青蒿处理显著高于清水和多菌灵,商品率达85.;75%25,比清水高22
- Accordingly, seeing next month apple whether can continue to hold market share will be very interesting, accordingly the apple must depend on beguiling sex to differ the issuance of a few means. 因此,看到下个月苹果是否能够继续保持市场份额将是很有趣的,因此苹果不得不依靠欺骗性差一些的发布方式。
- The succeeding work needs to done is to reintegrate these advantages to realize optimum market proportioning and to pave the way for next step. 后来的工作需要做的是重新这些优势,实现最佳配料和市场铺平道路的下一个步骤。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- According to American PTR the newest all computation this year January is occupied, linksys is had in SMB market rate be as high as 31 % , it already held market first position 3 years continuously. 据美国PTR今年1月的最新统计数据,Linksys在SMB市场占有率高达31%25,它已连续3年保持市场第一的地位。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。
- The men are still holding out for more pay. 那些人仍然坚持非增加工资不可。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 国王们往往都知道怎样使人们服从他。
- Before joining Sonoco, Powell held marketing and new product development positions with Newell Rubbermaid, Ingersoll-Rand and Danaher Corporation. 在加入索诺科,鲍威尔举行了市场营销和新产品开发的立场纽威尔伯迈德,英格索兰和丹纳赫公司。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 这个箱子你想能装得下我们所有的衣裳吗?
- He has been trying hard to hold onto his temper. 他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。
- I must get hold of some more writing paper. 我必须再找一些书写用纸。
- She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。
- Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares. 史密斯先生叫我不要卖掉石油股票。
- The meeting room will hold only so many people. 这间会议室只能容纳这么多人。