- holonomic and stable system 完整平稳系统
- It is under the reasonable and stable system of organization that the efforts of distinguishing harmonious team spirit and raising the ability of public servants realize its significance. 彰显和谐的团队精神以及增强政府公务员能力的努力,也将在合理而稳定的体制下才能充分实现其意义。
- Compared with the Bretton Woods system, this system is more secure and stable. 该体系与布雷顿森林体系相比具有更大的安全性和稳定性。
- Are the processes in control and stable? 过程是否受控和处于稳定状态?
- Linear and Stable High Frequency Characteristics. 稳定的线性高频特性。
- Quick and stable termination of busy tasks. 快速和稳定的终止繁忙的任务。
- PID control keeps precise and stable temperature. 采用PID控制,使温度精确稳定。
- Fireproof, wind resistant and stable. 防火,抗风和稳定。
- Capable of forming a chemically or biochemically stable system. 稳定的能够形成化学或生物化学的稳定系统的
- The finite-difference computation must be convergent and stable. 有限差分计算必须收敛和稳定。
- It is imperative that all valid data also be immutable and stable. 所有有效的数据也必须是不可改变的和稳定的。
- Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here. 我们丰富的资源和稳定的政策为外商投资提供了有利条件。
- Automation of tests requires a reasonably stable system during development. 测试的自动化要求开发期间的一个适度稳定的系统。
- Sensitive and Stable System for Monitor the Life Vest in a Airplane 高灵敏度与高稳定性的飞机客舱内物品监测系统
- The voltage requires being smooth and stable sine wave. 其工作电压要求是平滑而稳定的正弦波。
- Steel frame and base; make a durable and stable ironing board. 不锈钢框架和底架;熨衣板结实、平稳。
- LED installs around lens, provides equal and stable brightness. 采用环绕镜头的LED同抽冷光源导光,亮度均匀,稳定性好。
- The result sh-ows that Yu Mai No 5 ensures a high and stable yield. 结果表明:豫麦5号既高产又稳产。
- I want to commit to a long, serious and stable relationship. 我想确定一段长久的、严肃的、稳定的关系。
- Adopted PID control keep temperature precise and stable. 采用PID控制,使温度精确稳定。