- Give the food to a homeless man. 把食物给一个无家可归的人。
- Now I'm writing a book about a homeless man. 现在我在写一本关于一个无家可归的人的书。
- Within a few weeks there were fifteen hundred homeless men in camp. 几个礼拜之内,就有一千五百个无家可归的人在那里安营扎寨。
- The homeless man was addicted to alcohol and heroin. 这个无家可归的人嗜酒且吸食海洛因。
- It was very large of him to help out the homeless man. 他很宽厚,帮助了那些无家可归的人。
- "What disease would I get forten lousy bucks?" exclaimed the homeless man. “我会染上什么病为这区区十块钱?”流浪汉大声说。
- At the bagel shop I go to, a homeless man calls for his daily free ration every morning. 在我去的那家百吉饼店,一个无家可归的男子正在要他每天一份的免费配餐。
- Three filmmakers are charged in connection with a video that depicts homeless men and women engaged in humiliating, self-destructive acts. 三个电影制作人因拍摄一卷描述无家男人和女人一些羞愧及自我毁灭性的行动的录影带。
- A homeless man walks in front of a painting of US actor James Cagney on a closed souvenirs shop on Hollywood Boulevard. 此外,在无家可归的成年人中,近五分之一的人是退伍军人。
- The Los Angeles women were convicted in April of befriending two homeless men, taking out life insurance policies on them and then killing them. 这两名洛杉矶的妇女被指控在四月援助了两名无家可归的男子,在取得他们的保险单后杀害了他们。
- The homeless man becomes free in a new sense; and only he who has lost all ties need have no arriere-pensee. 无家可归的人在一个新的意义上来说获得了自由;只有一无所有的人才不会有不会告人的意图。
- Eight men of various backgrounds get arrested for the evening, and share the holding cell with a homeless man who awakens and claims to be God. 八个不同背景的人在一天晚上同时被逮捕了。他们居然都把自己的单人间让给了一个自称是上帝的流浪汉.........
- The Los Angeles women convicted in April of befriending two homeless men,taking out life insurance policies on them and then killing them. 这两个洛杉矶妇女被证实,在四月份,他们好心收留两位无家可归的男人,拿走了他们的人寿保险单,然后将他们杀害。
- At the Pine Street Inn in Boston, Massachusetts, Cardinal Sean O'Malley serves a Christmas Eve luncheon to homeless men and women. 在松树街店在马萨诸塞州波士顿,肖恩枢机奥马利服务于圣诞前夕午餐无家可归男子和妇女。
- A new wave of homeless men ,women,and children is flooding the nation and we must do something more than just pick up the bodies when they breeze to death. 无家可归的男女老少的新浪潮正席卷全国,所以我们应该做更多的事情,而不只是在他们濒于死亡时为他们收尸。
- MOBILE, Ala. - An 81-year-old woman shot a homeless man Monday morning after finding him washing his clothes in her laundry room, police said. 亚拉巴马州,MOBILE市--警方称,周一,有一位八十一岁的老太太在发现这一名流浪汉正在她家洗衣房洗衣服后朝他开枪射击。
- Actor Colin Farrell showed his humanitarian heart towards a homeless man in Toronto this week by taking him on a shopping spree to buy necessities. 影星哥连法路这星期在多伦多展现了他对一无家可归者的人道主义心肠,带他大肆采购生活必需品。
- "Sir, can you spare a sweater or jumper or coat for me? I'm running a fever and afraid I might freeze to death tonight," pled the homeless man. “先生,行行好,给件衣服吧,俺还发着烧呢,再冻下去怕是捱不过今晚了。”
- A homeless man salvages the remains of food and drinks from a bin along a street in Hollywood, California, on May 4, 2009. 五月四日,加州一位街友在好莱坞路边的垃圾桶中翻找吃剩的食物和饮料。
- An investigation is underway to find out why a police constable shot dead an unarmed homeless man in a park in Ho Man Tin. 警方正调查一名警员为什麽在何文田一公园内开枪击毙一名无武器的流浪汉。