- The homeotic selector genes are found in two complexes on chromosome 3 of Drosophil. Together these are called Hom-C, the homeotic gene complex. 果蝇的同源异型基因位于3号染色体上,由两个独立的复合体组成,即触角足复合体。
- The flower meristem identity genes can activate the homeotic genes to some extent. 花分生组织决定基因促进花序分生组织产生花分生组织并进一步分化产生花器官原基,但产生何种花器官则是由同源异型基因所控制的。
- These floral organs are specified by floral homeotic genes, as well as genes which specify the number and symmetry of floral organ. 这些器官的性质由花的“同源异型基因”决定,决定花的器官数和对称性等的基因族也在起作用。
- Plant homeotic genes and homeobox genes are two types of the important genes encoding transcription factors involved in plant development. 植物同源异型基因及同源异型盒基因是涉及植物个体发育调节的两类重要转录因子编码基因。
- Cloning of the Homeotic Gene fbp2 from Petunia hybrida and Its Effects in Tobacco Flower 矮牵牛花同源异型基因fbp2的克隆及其对烟草花形态的影响
- Regulation of Floral Organ Development by Homeotic Genes 同源异型基因对花器官发育的调控
- homeotic gene 同源异形基因
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- homeobox A segment of DNA found in many so-called homeotic genes concerned with controlling the development of organisms. 同源框:是DNA的一个特定片段,存在于一类控制生物体生长发育的同源异型基因上面。
- Now the variant of each gene is called an allele. 每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。
- We know a lot about the structure of gene now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- A single gene may have many effects. 单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
- There can be more than two alleles for a gene. 一个基因可能有两个以上的等位基因。
- A mutable organism; a mutable gene. 一个易变的生物;一个易变的基因
- homeotic genes 同源异形基因
- Gene Shepard: That was a 35 dollar belt! 吉恩·谢帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!
- Gene Shepard: That was a35 dollar belt! 吉恩·帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!
- You also owe a nod to your leptin gene. 你还要赞美你的leptin基因。
- Oncogene: Gene that can cause cancer. 致癌基因: 能够导致恶性肿瘤的基因。