- homogametic seks 同配性别
- The grass seeks her crowd in the earth.The tree seks his solitude of the sky. 小草在土壤中寻觅伙伴;大树向天空追求孤独。
- Homogametic sex The sex with homologous sex chromosomes, in mammals, designated XX. 同配性别:指有相同性染色体的性别,在哺乳动物中,它用XX来表示。
- Answer: If you have a business which earns more than SEK 16 000 per year, you must pay tax. 答:你的生意每年能给你赚超过16,000克朗的话,你就一定要付税。
- Its SEK animation studio helps makes cartoons with ventures in France and other places. 它的SEK动画工作室帮助法国及其他地区的企业制作卡通。
- Christmas gives the gift of wife, it is she was valued only actually, I draw out money. Above the SEK sound box that is put in me, very lovely? 圣诞节送给老婆的礼物,其实只是她看好了,俺掏钱。放在俺的SEK音箱上面,很可爱吧?
- Sin Chew Reading Room was founded by Tay Sek Tin (Alias Tay Peng Ting) in 1903 to provide reading materials for the poor Chinese in Singapore as well as to evangelise. 星洲书报社(后来也有被称为星洲阅读书报社)是在1903年由华人牧师郑席珍(聘延)所创立,目的在于替在新加坡较为贫穷的华人免费提供阅读的机会并且传教。
- As a result, Electrolux sales in the fourth quarter will be lower than expected and could not be completed this year, 3.3 billion SEK -39 million of operating profit goal. 因此,伊莱克斯第四季度销售额将低于预期,并无法完成今年33亿-39亿瑞典克朗的营业利润目标。
- We continue to recommend that investors maintain a pro-USD pro-JPY posture, and be particularly guarded against EM currencies, EUR, GBP, CHF, SEK and commodity currencies. 我们继续推荐投资者坚持重点持有美元和日元立场,特别警惕新兴市场货币、欧元、英镑、瑞士法郎、瑞典克朗和商品货币。
- Vaq sek bungz doengz. 裤撕逢老同。
- secondary ['sek?nd?ri,'sek?nderi 次要的,从属的,辅助的2.;中级的,第二(位)的
- Film critic Sek Kei Shi Qi addressed the issue of dialect cinema as early as 1974 影评人石琪早于1974年已提出了方言电影的问题
- homogametic heterosis 同源配子杂种优势
- homogametic sex1 同配性别
- homogameticadj. [生]同(型)配( 子) 的
- homogametic sex 同配性别
- ?? The airline 2008 annual performance report showed that its net loss last year, up to 6.32 billion kronor, only loss in the fourth quarter reached SEK 2.77 billion. 该航空公司2008年度业绩报告显示其去年净亏损额高达63.;2亿瑞典克朗,仅第四季度的亏损就达到了27
- heterogametic seks 异配性别
- digametic seks 异配子型性别
- homozygous seks 纯合性别