- homonymous astigmatism 同轴散光
- Chart 5. Homonymous hemianopia of left side. 图5双眼左侧同向性偏盲。
- They have what is called astigmatism. 他们有所谓散光。
- How can you raise the eyesight of astigmatism? 怎样能提高散光的视力?
- Homonym will be our best answer. 地老天荒就是最好的答案。
- And even Milan is a homonym of the city did not! 连和米兰同音的城市也没有!
- Can you become astigmatism operation only? 能不能只做散光手术?
- How can you treat astigmatism myopia? 怎样可以治疗散光近视?
- "Music" in Hu Yu Yue-li is the homonym. “乐会”在沪语里的谐音是乐惠。
- What thing can treat myopia and astigmatism excuse me? 请问有什么东西可以治疗近视和散光?
- "Why is the secret system 'mule Ruyang' (homonym: Lei Yuyang)? “为什么是秘制‘骡乳羊’(谐音:雷宇扬)呢?
- Myopic astigmatism is systemic sex disease actually. 近视散光实际上是全身性疾病。
- Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism. 眼睛问题.;先天性弱视
- Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism. 也许你在课堂上睡觉是因为你的眼睛散光。
- Does child astigmatism add myopic need to wear an eye? 小孩散光加近视需要戴眼睛吗?
- How severe was your shortsightedness? Did you have Astigmatism? 你原本近视几度,有散光吗?
- Is the eye has astigmatism how one and the same? Can you cure? 眼睛有散光是怎么一回事?能治好吗?
- Cannot, have what myopia does not have astigmatism only! 患有散光的近视患者,能佩戴隐形眼镜吗?
- The relationship between homonyms. (2) The state of being homonymous. 异物同名之间的关系。(2)异物同名状态。
- How is the astigmatism in glasses to return a responsibility? 眼镜中的散光是怎么回事?