- homonymous motoneurons 同名运动神经元
- homonymous motoneuron 同名运动神经元
- Chart 5. Homonymous hemianopia of left side. 图5双眼左侧同向性偏盲。
- Homonym will be our best answer. 地老天荒就是最好的答案。
- And even Milan is a homonym of the city did not! 连和米兰同音的城市也没有!
- "Music" in Hu Yu Yue-li is the homonym. “乐会”在沪语里的谐音是乐惠。
- "Why is the secret system 'mule Ruyang' (homonym: Lei Yuyang)? “为什么是秘制‘骡乳羊’(谐音:雷宇扬)呢?
- Abstract Motor units comprise a motoneuron and the muscle fibers it innervates. 摘要 运动单位由运动神经元及其支配的肌纤维组成。
- The relationship between homonyms. (2) The state of being homonymous. 异物同名之间的关系。(2)异物同名状态。
- The names of the five Fuwa is the homonym together, “Beijing welcomes you. 五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”。
- Her five-fu is the name of the homonym together, "Beijing welcomes you. 五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”。
- The Chinese word for cake is Gao, a homonym of the Chinese word for high. 于是有些人就用做糕、吃糕来代替登高了。
- The increased levels of ALS in CSF maybe associated with Asp,Glu le sions to spinal motoneurons. ALS患者CSF中NSE增高可能与Asp、Glu对脊髓运动神经元的损害有关。
- Biolaterally labeled motoneurons of uvala muscle were also found in the rostral section of the nucleus ambiguus. 腭帆提肌和咽腭肌的运动神经元位于同侧疑核的吻侧部。
- These results indicated that the motoneurons of palatal muscles were located in different brain stem necleus. 舌腭肌的运动神经元位于同侧疑核吻侧部和舌下神经核尾侧端的腹外侧部。
- Conclusion SP may regulate the activities of motoneurons in the central nervous system by means of SPR. 结论SP通过SP受体的介导在中枢运动核团内对运动神经元发挥调控作用。
- Subsequently, the issuance of the homonymous drama caused a hot discussion in the literary and art circles. 随后,同名剧本的发行,又在文艺界引发了一场场别开生面的讨论。
- Consequently a name that is a junior homonym of another name must not be used as a valid name [Art. 52]. 因此,如果一个名称是另一个名称的次异物同名,该名称不可用作一个有效名称[第52条]。
- Labeled motoneurons of levator veli palatini and palatopharyngeus muscle were ipsilaterally located in the rostral part of the nucleus ambiguus. 结果:腭帆张肌的运动神经元位于三叉神经运动核的腹内侧群。