- He's the honorary chairman of the committee. 他是该委员会的名誉主席。
- He's the honorary chairman. 他是名誉主席。
- The Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers. 仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人,顾问若干人。
- Dr. Smith was not paid because he was the honorary chairman of the society. 司密斯先生并不拿薪水,因为他只是他们国家的名义主席。
- We all deemed it a privilege that he was conferred the title of honorary chairman. 我们都认为他被授予名誉主席的称号是一种荣幸。
- He is a man of honor and believes in humanism. He is the honorary chairman of the relief society. 他名声好,信仰人道主义,是救济社团的名誉主席。
- In recent times,though still exerting a tremendous influence on Fiat,and its subsidiaries which included Ferrari,Agnelli was appointed honorary chairman. 尽管近年来阿涅利对菲亚特集团及其包括法拉利公司在内的各产业公司仍有非常大的影响,但他只被委任为名誉董事长。
- Article 8 The Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers. 第八条仲裁委员会设名誉主任一人、顾问若干人。
- Poon has served successively as the president, honorary chairman and standing director of this Association. 潘先生成为香港社会受人尊敬的社团领袖,并用情义为自己的人生注释了“精彩”两字的涵义。
- On Tuesday Lien Chan, honorary chairman of the KMT and a former Taiwan vice-president, also met the Chinese president. 周二,国民党荣誉主席、台湾前副总统连战先生也会晤中国国家主席。
- Shakira is the honorary chairman of a week of enents to publicize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education. 沙克拉是世界教育运动组织的周轮值名誉主席,这是一个为了促进世界基础教育而设立的组织。
- Shakira is the honorary chairman of the week of events to publicize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education. Shakira是一个叫做“全球教育行动”的倡导组织的周事务的名誉主席。
- Shakira is the honorary chairman of a week of events to publicize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education. 是行动周的名誉主席,来宣扬“全球教育行动”这一宣传小组。
- He always pays attention to development of mathematics in China. He took the place of honorary chairman of the IMC and "had done much detailed work" for this congress. 他一生始终关注着中国数学的发展,以92岁高龄担任了大会的名誉主席,为这次大会的召开做了“大量细致的工作”。
- Taiwan KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, Taiwan's KMT Chairman Wu Po-hsiung, SEF Chairman Chiang Pin-kung and Taiwan celebrities more than the General Assembly for the inscription. 台湾国民党名誉主席连战、台湾国民党主席吴伯雄、海基会董事长江丙坤及台湾多名知名人士为大会题词。
- Bie President Noghes, the Secretary-General Luosaitaisi, Vice President Sewen and delivered, Honorary Chairman, Philip-attended speeches at the meeting. 国际展览局主席诺盖斯、秘书长洛塞泰斯、副主席塞雯和哈拉维、名誉主席菲利浦森等应邀出席揭牌仪式。
- Shakira is a under X the honorary chairman of a week of events to X publicize the causes of eX an advocacy group callled the Global Campaign for Education. 本周,他们主要至力于“世界教育运动”的宣传,其荣誉主席由夏拉奇担任。
- Those who possessed, not only to maintain a top State &new holding honorary chairman of the board of directors offered, but also obtaining new honorific title as "principals. 知情者说,张扬不但送给刘顺新一顶国中控股董事局名誉主席的桂冠,还尊称刘顺新为“校长”。
- This may have disappointed the party's honorary chairman, Lien Chan, who is reportedly interested in a third run at the presidency, and the speaker in the legislature, Wang Jin-pyng, who has already shown his ambition. 这可能会使国民党荣誉主席连战不高兴,盛传他对第三次竞选总统兴致勃勃,同时立法院长王金平也有问鼎宝座的野心。
- Lian Zhan--the KMT honorary chairman, Ma Ying-jeou, chairman of the KMT, Wang Jinping, vice-chairman of the KMT and others are celebrating their victory at the headquarters of the party. 国民党名誉主席连战、主席马英九、副主席王金平等在该党总部举行的记者会上庆祝胜选。