- A Kremlin honour guard stood by. 一名克里姆林宫卫兵站立一旁。
- An honour guard stands at strict attention as Topol-M strategic missiles roll through Red Square. 一个荣誉的警卫站立严格的注意,作为白杨-M战略导弹车滚动通过红场。
- When the council of the Primarchs disbanded many hours later, they found Night Haunter missing, his honour guard butchered to a man. 当基因原体的会议解散许多小时之后,他们发现暗夜幽魂消失了,他可怕的卫队也被残杀到只剩下一个。
- After a 21-gun salute yesterday morning, Mr Jiang squired Mr Putin along a red-carpet to review a military honour guard in Tiananmen Square. 天安门广场昨晨鸣放二十一响礼炮后,**陪同普京踏着红地毡检阅中国三军仪仗队。
- Japan's newly appointed Defence Minister Yuriko Koike reviews an honour guard at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo July 4, 2007. 由于引发众怒的“原子弹言论风波”,日本防卫大臣久间章生已于7月3日宣布辞职。
- An Honour Guard's wargear is drawn from amongst the most ancient and venerated relics of the Chapter, for such men above all others have earned the right to bear such a burden. 一个荣誉卫队成员的装备,是战团里面最古老,且受万人敬仰的遗产之一。只有这些精英才配拥有承担这种重任的权利。
- So it is that the Honour Guard enter the fray clad in ornate suits of artificer armour and wielding weapons that have seen battle at the hands of a thousand great heroes. 荣誉卫队成员穿戴着华丽的战甲,舞动着曾经由无数英雄所使用的武器进入战场。
- So steeped are the Honour Guard in the trade of battle and blood that their accumulated insights and understanding of warfare commonly outstrips even the experience of the Chapter's Captains. 荣誉卫队成员在血雨风腥的战场上所感悟出的经验和洞察力,甚至已经超越了经验丰富的战团连长。
- "I bring a message of Portuguese solidarity and, to all of you, my friendship," he told a cheering crowd after inspecting an airport honour guard of about 300 East Timorese warriors. “我带来的是来自葡萄牙的团结的信息和我的友谊。”在机场接见300名东帝汶卫队后桑帕约总统对欢迎的人群说。
- Honour Guards of the Taipei First Girls' Senior High School during the dress rehearsal at Redford Barrack, Edinburgh on 1st of August. 感谢学生家长-吃有饱-热情提供。辛苦的小绿绿们, 世界从妳们看到了台湾, 游子也从妳们看到了家乡。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour. 总统抵达时,检阅了仪仗队。
- You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸。
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他们防止骄傲自满。
- He swore by his honour he would return the bike. 他以自己的名誉发誓一定归还自行车。
- Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit. 到处悬挂旗帜以庆祝这次国事访问。
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped. 他买通看守而逃之夭夭了。
- I was off my guard and made no suitable reply. 我没提防,因此没有作出适当的回答。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。
- I promise I'll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保,一定把钱还给你。