- The author of this thesis employs "horizon of expectations" and "indeterminacy" proposed by Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser, the two major representatives of the Constance School. 这与现实存在的重译现象相矛盾。本文试图从接受理论角度探讨重译现象存在的原因及重译的必要性。
- Therefore, the translators need to make the translation not only meet the readers' horizon of expectation, but also elevate the readers' horizon of cognition. 因而,译者既要做到使译文符合读者的期待视野,又要使译文具有开拓读者认知接受视域的作用。
- Different readers, however, have different pre-understandings, aesthetic perspectives and horizons of expectation, and they interpret the text differently, so advertising retranslation is inevitable. 但读者的前理解、审美观、期待视野等存在历时和共时的差异,他们所阐释的意义有所不同,广告复译因此成为必然。
- Time horizon of pricing decisions. 定价决策之时间长度。
- The numbers attending fell short of expectations. 出席的人数比预期的要少。
- Let the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. 让孤独将寂静隔离在远远的地平线上。
- We were all full of expectations. 大家也都充满了期待。
- It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge. 这超过了当前的知识水平的范围。
- Societal learning also establishes horizons of perception. 社会的知识水平也决定着人们的视野。
- These questions suggest multiple horizons of planning. 这些问题显示出计划的各种型态。
- A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience. 全场引颈以待,群情鼎沸。
- In life is to expand the horizons of those around him. 他人生的使命就是帮助周围的人拓宽视野。
- For his part, Jennings is used to the pressure of expectations. 对詹宁斯来说,他此前就有过这种被期待的压力。
- horizons of expectations 期待视野
- Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment. 一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。
- Higher education widens the intellectual horizon of young people. 高等教育开阔了年轻人的精神视野。
- Here, not be architect and you however sometimes can of expect. 这里,有时却不是建筑师和你所能预想的。
- Chiefly the enlargement of the heart broadens the horizon of life. 生活的地平线是随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广的。
- In reality, things always happen out of expectation. 现实中,事情总是出乎意料地发生。
- All these latter features Husserl calls the ’horizon‘ of the act. 所有这些后面的特性,胡塞尔称之为行为的“视域”。