- The cylindrical pin prevents a horizontal displacement of disc. 筒形销防止阀板的水平位移。
- The case shown in Figure 56 corresponds to a dextral horizontal displacement along a vertical fault surface. 图56所示例子表示沿垂直断层面的右旋水平位移。
- Since Mesozoic-Cenozoic Era it has a horizontal displacement of 550 km in maximum. 中新生代以来,走滑断裂带最大水平位移量为550km。
- Predicting the horizontal displacement of a dam is of great importance for its safety. 预测大坝水平位移对于大坝安全来说非常重要.
- The results show that the wall horizontal displacement increases with the increasing of the excavating depth and d... 冻土帷幕水平变形的主要影响因素是基坑半径和开挖深度.
- Finally, three dimensional land subsidence model should be develope in which horizontal displacement and ground fissures are considered. 最后,建立三维沉降模型,考虑水平位移和地裂缝问题。
- The result proved that the geotextile prevents horizontal displacement greatly, but has little effect on vertical displacement of compound foundation. 研究结果表明:加筋的作用有效地阻止了土基与堤的侧位移,但对竖向位移影响不大。
- The extended reach well has such chara cteristics as large horizontal displacement,great deviation angle and long open hole interval. 大位移井具有长水平位移、大井斜角以及长裸眼段的特点。大位移井钻井过程中摩阻扭矩的预测和控制是成功地钻成大位移井的关键因素之一。
- With the reworking of the bridge’s design code, a research on the transverse horizontal displacement limited value of pier’s top was conducted. 研究目的:通过研究在制动力作用下墩顶刚度的提高程度,验证现行设计规范的合理性。
- Hence the horizontal displacement field and vertical subsidence surface are got and comparing analysis is given from these two methods. 根据计算结果绘制了水平位移场、垂直沉降面及其等值线图,可以直观地了解地表形变信息。
- The difference of both-side settlement range increases and the outside soil horizontal displacement trend extends to the inside with the reduction of curve radius. 随着曲线半径的减小,隧道两侧沉降范围的差别逐渐增大,外侧土体的水平移动趋势向内侧扩展;
- This paper presents the restraining moments acting on the core wall due to outriggers and the equation of the top horizontal displacement based on a simplified outrigger model. 根据伸臂结构的简化模型和伸臂与外框柱的变形协调条件,考虑伸臂的实际刚度,导出伸臂对核心墙的附加力矩,求得结构顶点侧移。
- The displacement isoline around the roots changes severely, and the maximum horizontal displacement of the afforested slope happens in the area of root system. 根系周围位移等值线变化剧烈,有林边坡最大水平位移发生在边坡根系分布区;
- Through the test, the data of the pore water pressure, settlement and horizontal displacement etc are obtained and the variation law of them is analyzed. 通过现场试验,取得了加固区内的孔隙水压力、沉降、水平位移等资料,分析了它们的变化规律。
- The results show that the nuclear power station is sate, its horizontal displacement and settlement amount agree to the deformation law and are normal building deformation. 结果表明:核电站是安全的,其水平位移、沉降量符合客观规律,属正常形变,为今后解决核电站建筑物变形观测问题提供了可靠的依据。
- Using it to estimate RTS values, right rates of rotation, horizontal displacement, vertical displacement and scale are 91.65%, 84.85%, 80%, 84.29% respectively. 将其应用于两视圈RTS变化参数估算中,正确率分别达到:旋转91.;65%25,水平位移84
- Visual observations showed that a horizontal displacement in the longitudinal direction of the bridge developed between the tie girder and the top flange of the floor beam at the end connection. 肉眼观察表明:在端节点处的系梁和横梁上翼缘之间产生一种沿桥梁纵向的水平位移。
- A new form of Stokes drift formula can be obtaincd from the new horizontal displacement equation, which shows that under the third order approximation, the Stokes drift is proportional to the square of the amplitude of water particle. 由二次迭代的水平位移方程即可获得Stokes漂流公式的一种新形式,该形式表明,在三阶精度下Stokes漂流与所在深度的水质点的振幅A的平方成正比。
- On the basis of brief introduction of the principle and algorithm of genetic neural network, the forecast model is applied to the monitoring data of tangential horizontal displacement, radial horizontal displacement and settlement of a dam. 在简要介绍遗传神经网络的基本概念及学习步骤的基础上,分别对大坝坝顶径向水平位移、切向水平位移和大坝坝顶沉降量监测数据进行了训练和预测。