- hormonal amenorrhea [医] 内分泌性经闭
- Amenorrhea recovered in 66.7% patients. 术后月经恢复正常占66.;7%25。
- Hormonal what be? What effect is there? 荷尔蒙是什么?有什么作用?
- To what extent can hormonal control be implicated? 这是不是因为激素的原因造成的呢?
- Hormonal aspects of passivity and aggressiveness in boys. 研究男孩身上的消极以及积极的荷尔蒙问题。
- A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life. 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。
- Postnatal depression is usually due to hormonal imbalance. 产后抑郁通常是荷尔蒙失调造成的。
- What hormonal change triggers the onset of menstruation? 在月经的初期时,是什麽贺尔蒙的变化所导致??
- Dogs in tact, not spayed or neutered have a higher hormonal drive. 未净身/阉割的狗有较高的荷尔蒙冲动。"
- The physician should also order chromosomal and hormonal studies. 还应该进行染色体和激素水平的检查。
- Possible Uses: Amenorrhea, colds, flu, loss of appetite, tonsillitis. 功用:无经;感冒;流感;胃口不开;扁桃体炎症.
- Pregnancy. Deeply swollen gums can indicate hormonal changes. 妊娠。口腔严重肿胀意味着生理上的变化。
- BACKGROUND To study the curative effects of the Yulinzhu soup for amenorrhea. 摘要[背景]观察毓麟珠加减治疗闭经的疗效。
- A number of intersex conditions can be traced to hormonal causes. 大量中间性的病例可以追溯到激素的致病原因。
- Of course oral contraception changes a woman's hormonal cycles. 众所周知,口服避孕药能改变女性的内分泌。
- The result shows, two kinds of hormonal levels lift apparently. 结果显示,有两种荷尔蒙的水平明显升高。
- AEDs can affect the serum sexual hormonal levels in male epileptic patients. AEDs可以影响男性癫痫患者性激素水平。
- FMP was defined as the initial day of the last menstrual period preceding 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea, identified retrospectively. FMP的定义为经回顾性分析,自末次月经第一天始连续12个月闭经。
- Red Clover (trifolium pretense) helps restore and balance hormonal function. 红三叶草:恢复和平衡内分泌功能和子宫孕育。
- Infrequent menstruation or amenorrhea not resulting from organic disease is not harmful. 非器质性病变引起的闭经及稀发月经对身体并无损害。