- hospital admission certificate [法] 入院证书
- Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases. 大多数情况下,病人无须住院。
- Hospital admission of such patients Snakebite a few! 医院收治的这类蛇伤病人不在少数!
- Cases of plant poisoning severe enough to warrant hospital admission are rare. 植物中毒严重至必须住院治疗的病例很少见。
- In these patients, an ARB reduces the risk of death from a cardiovascular cause or hospital admission for worsening HF. 在这些病人中,ARB可减少心源性猝死危险或心衰恶化而住院。
- Gram-negative bacteremia upon hospital admission: when should Pseudomonas aeruginosa be suspected? 院内感染革兰阴性菌血症:铜绿假单胞菌何时应引起怀疑?
- The mean time between onset of prolapsed hemorrhoids and hospital admission was 34.4 hours. 内痔脱垂开始到住院平均时间为34.;4小时。
- Our China Travel Medical Assistance Card guarantees hospital admission and emergency medical treatment in case of accidents in Mainland China. 我们的紧急意外医疗支援卡,保证您在国内遇上意外时凭卡入院,即时获得治疗。
- A composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and hospital admission for congestive heart failure (not involving renal replacement therapy) was the primary end point. 结果测定:死亡,心肌梗塞,中风以及因充血性心衰入院(不包含肾脏替代治疗)为初级试验终点。
- All patients with vascular wound of extremity or neck had undergone hemostasis by compression and antishock treament before hospital admission. 四肢或颈部血管破裂或横断病例入院前多已给予压迫止血或抗休克治疗。
- The past medical history included a hospital admission one year before for osteomyelitis over the distal metaphysis of the right fibula. 病童于一年前曾因右腓骨远端骨髓炎住院检查治疗,经外科引流及服用抗生素2个月后治愈。
- Nausea and vomiting, dizziness, bronchospasm, and delayed emergence from anesthesia are common causes of anesthesia-related hospital admission. 恶心、呕吐、眩晕、支气管痉挛、延迟苏醒是常见麻醉相关再入院的原因。
- The PAR and 11-DH-TXB2 in urine were examined in all patients at the first day of hospital admission and two weeks later. 于入院时及两周后分别检查血小板聚集率、尿11-脱氢-血栓素(11-DH-TXB2)等项指标。
- An association was observed between oral steroid therapy and not taking DMARDs and an increased risk of hospital admission with LRTI. 研究人员观察到类风湿关节炎患者口服甾体激素(而不是服用缓解病情抗风湿药),会增加因下呼吸道感染住院的危险。
- Treatment with an ACEI improves ventricular function and patient well-being, reduces hospital admission for worsening HF, and increases survival. 它可以改善心室功能,病人预后,减少心衰恶化再次住院,提高存活率。
- In patients in whom pharmacological cardioversion was successful within 24 h of hospital admission,MVvalues before and after cardioversion differed significantly in both MCAs. 在入院24小时内通过药物转复心律的房颤患者中,转复前后大脑中动脉的平均血流速度有显著差异。
- Methods To summarize and analyze the cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia incoporated with diabetes mellitus from our hospital admission and literatures reports. 方法对我院收治的及文献报道的急性淋巴细胞白血病合并糖尿病的病例进行总结分析。
- A shorter interval from starting CPR to ROSC and administration of fewer doses of epinephrine in the ED were the main factors predicting survival to hospital admission. 在急诊时接受较短时间之急救及较少剂量之肾上腺素为影响病人能否存活至住院之最重要关键。
- Are predictors for myocardial infarction the same for women and men when evaluated prior to hospital admission? Svensson L. Nordlander R. Axelsson C. Herlitz J. 用于男性和女性入院前评估的心肌梗死预测因素是否相同?
- Group I patients (45 cases) underwent a preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) followed by LC in the same hospital admission. 组I患者(45例)在同一家医院,在进行LC前行术前内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)及内窥镜括约肌切开术(ES)。