- hospitals of county level 县级医院
- Results: The implementation of drug classification system had great effect on pharmacy in hospital of up county level. 结果:药品分类管理制度实施将对我国县级以上医院的药剂科产生重大影响。
- In most states of the US, county level farmers organizations have a major influence on the hiring, firing and salaries of county extension agents. 在美国大多数州,县级的农民组织对县推广办的工作人员的雇用、免职和工资数额具有很大影响。
- In most states of the U. S., county level farmers organizations have a major influence on the hiring, firing and salaries of county extension agents. 在美国大多数州,县级的农民组织对县推广办的工作人员的雇用、免职和工资数额具有很大影响。
- Note: The land area of the whole municipality includes water area of Lake Tai, Yangcheng Lake and Dianshan Lake, while those of county level cities does not. 虎丘区注:全市土地面积中含太湖、阳澄湖、淀山湖等大型湖泊水域面积,有关县级市土地面积中未包括。
- Note: The land area of the whole municipality includes water area of Taihu Lake, Yangcheng Lake and Dianshan Lake, while those of county level cities does not. 注:全市土地面积中含太湖、阳澄湖、淀山湖等大型湖泊水域面积,有关县级市土地面积中未包括。
- Note:The land area of the whole municipality includes water area of Taihu Lake,Yangcheng Lake and Dianshan Lake,while those of county level cities does not. 注:全市土地面积中含太湖、阳澄湖、淀山湖等大型湖泊水域面积,有关县级市土地面积中未包括。
- Of the directors or deputy-directors of the standing committees of the people's congresses at the county level,minority officials totalled 17.30 percent. Minority officials made up 15.16 percent of county magistrates. 县(县级市)一级机构里,人大常委会正副主任职务中,少数民族官员占17.;3%25,正副县(市)长职务中,少数民族官员占15
- Of the directors or deputy-directors of the standing committees of the people's congresses at the county level, minority officials totalled 17.30 percent. Minority officials made up 15.16 percent of county magistrates. 县(县级市)一级机构里,人大常委会正副主任职务中,少数民族官员占17.;3%25,正副县(市)长职务中,少数民族官员占15
- Yixing is an opening costal city with developed economy with leading general economic strength of all the counties (city of county level) in the country. 宜兴属经济发达的沿海开放城市,综合经济实力在全国县(市)中名列前茅。
- This sort of thing isn't my line of county at all. 我对这种事一窍不通。
- economic disparities of county level 县域经济差异
- Now they have hospital of their own. 现在他们拥有他们自己的医院了。
- Radio & Television network of county level 县级广电网络
- How to Make Use of Sci-Tech to Promote County Level Economy? 科技如何为县域经济发展加力?
- power supply business of county level 县级供电企业
- In 1963, revocation of county troupes. 1963年,撤销各县剧团。
- From September 20, 2003 Nanning City, Congzuo City and the 13 counties (cities of county level) subordinate thereto shall start the real-time large amount payment system, realize real-time transfer of funds. 自2003年9月20日起在南宁市、崇左市及所辖13个县(市)正式运行大额实时支付系统,实现资金汇划实时到账。
- It was very hospitable of you to have us stay. 您这麽亲切地招待我们留下来,真是谢谢您。
- In addition, more than 15,000 hospitals at or above the county level had set up departments of gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. 另有1.;5万多个县及县以上医院设有妇产科和儿科;